Chapter 13

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Ugh, it's been a week already yet I still can't figure out a plan on how to do my part and lately George has been dragging me around with him, not leaving me out of his sight, it's like I became his personal pet or something.

Were currently inside his office at the company, well one of his companies. Gosh the more I'm right next to George the more I get to see his side of the almost everyday stuff he does, except from when he's not working. 

He has like at least ten meeting per day and some of them including those sh*t gruesome meetings that involves with a bang, and then if he doesn't have any meetings he'd be stuck in his office with paperwork. How is he even handling this, it's like he doesn't blink at all! 


"Huh? yeah what is it George?" I said coming out of my thoughts.

"He's been calling you man." Techno added.

"Huh? wait how did you get here?" I asked confused.

"Through the door idiot, and I got here a minute ago." Techno chuckled.

"Sigh, what's on your mind Dream?" George asked. "You sure were deep in your thoughts."

"No it was nothing, I guess I drifted off." I sad doing a fake stretch. 

George doesn't seem to buy it, looking at me with those peculiar eyes but I guess he lets it slide since he started getting off his desk.

"So another meeting?" I asked the two. 

"No, were going to have lunch." He said.

"Oh? where to?" 

"Somewhere." George answered bluntly. 

Well that's George alright, he doesn't seem to enjoy talking that much. He acts just like a professional even during lunch break.  Seriously what is up with him, but the more I stay by his side the more I want to know him. What am I even saying, this is George Davidson he'd never share or tell stories about his pass.

"You two sure seems to be getting along." Techno whispered, both of us are currently walking behind George.

"Huh what are you saying?" I asked.

"Hmmm." He hummed. 

"Okay that doesn't make any sense." I said.

"Hmmm? He hummed like its a question.

"Good grief." I sighed. Just as George stopped on his tracks and looked at the two elevators that was next to each other. Obviously one is his, and the other is for us workers. 

"You know what I'm gonna join the two of you." He calmly said.


"EH?"  Techno and I said both astounded.

"What you think I can't? This is my company so obviously I can, besides what's so bad about it? Argh stop starring at me like that you two!" George said annoyed.

Techno and I both looked at each other. No way he's doing this right?

"Come on we need to move it." George demands,  both of us just nods.

"If you say so." Techno replied. 


Thirty minutes later... 

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