Chapter 14

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I messed up big time, I really did. I turned George down and now I keep thinking about it, I was so stupid.

Why does it have to be this way, I feel like running to George's room and tell him everything, but I can't, now is not the right time because I need him to be safe.

It's already pass midnight and I can't fucking sleep. I got up and went outside to my kitchen, opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water. Maybe this will help calm me down.

Starring at the window on the living room, watching the stars glowing and the moon in full view, It makes me wonder if George is asleep or still awake. My thoughts drifted back to yesterday when I rejected George's feelings, I felt a stung in my chest again but ignored it.

Walked up to the living room and sat on the couch, opening the laptop that George has given me, I decided that I might as well play something for now since I still am not sleepy.

After a few hours of playing a minigame on Minecraft, I looked at the time and it was already four in the morning, now I feel really tired but lucky for me tomorrow is Saturday which means working hours will only last half of the day, I guess I'll sleep after my shift.

I closed up the laptop, getting some pair of clothes for work before heading to take a shower, after a few minutes I was already prepared for the day, I took my phone out of charge and headed my way to the main kitchen.

As I reached the kitchen no one was there yet, well makes sense since it's still four thirty in the morning, the chefs would start cooking everyone's breakfast around five in the morning. Since I don't know how to cook anything I quickly whipped up some milk and cereals, wasn't the best breakfast but it'll do, got some apple on the fruits basket and headed my way outside the gardens.

I haven't really payed attention to the scene before but the garden was full of blue flowers and a fountain in the middle with grass pathways. It makes me wonder maybe the brunette's favorite color is blue. The thought of it made me chuckled to myself.

"What are you doing here?" Someone from behind me asked. Turning around to see no other than George himself.

"I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen ate something, then went here." I answered not being able to look at him in the eyes. "How about you?"

"I wake up early and come here." He said with a dull expression.

"I see, would you like to join me?" I asked awkwardly.

But George hummed in response before taking a glance at Dream and then the surroundings and leaving me just like that.

Well I guess that's a no, I don't really have anything to say to him so I just watched him as he went back inside the mansion. Turning around and taking a bite on the apple, I went to sit on one of the benches just relaxing under the fresh early morning breeze as I wonder about my own problems.


Work today was boring as hell, George told Techno to make me do just some paperwork on Techno's office. I guess he was still pissed about yesterday, he didn't want me next to him so he made me get stuck up on Techno's office while those two are probably in another meeting.

Like I said today's just half day of work so when the twelve o'clock bell rang I immediately got out of that place and headed my way downstairs to my own car, George didn't really made me go with him this morning so I ended up driving behind them while on our way to this building. I messaged Techno I was done with work and now on my way home before starting up the car and driving back to the mansion. Turning on the car radio and plugging my phone in it, I listened into some tunes that would make the ride less boring.

Dream was now halfway through the thick forest towards the mansion when his radio suddenly turned off, not wondering why he turned it on again and immediately after it went off again. This made the blonde wonder maybe its broken when suddenly a man wearing a purple jacket appeared next to him in the front seat.

"For god's sake turn if off its annoying." The man said.

Dream quickly halted the car on the side of the driveway, but before he could take out his gun the other man was fast enough to point his own gun at Dream.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Dream." The man said earning a glare from the blonde.

"Who the hell are you?" Dream asked.

"Just a friend of Sapnap here to check on his 'bestfriends' progress." He smirked.

"You're Purpled!" Dream gasped.

"Correct there mate! Now why don't we be friends and you drive us to the mansion eh? I would love to see Davidson's place." He evilly winked.

Dream frowned he wasn't expecting this to happen. Quakicty really isn't going to stop until he gets what he want. "How did you get inside my car?"

"Well that's easy. My miracle is invisibility, I also know a few thief tricks, I got to say Dream you got some fancy car here, I could just steal it easily if I want to." He laughed. "But since your friends with us and more importantly 'helping us' then I wont."

"Right." That was all Dream could say, he was now trapped not knowing what he needed to do, the only thing he could hope for right now is that the mansion is strong enough to detect people with invisibility.

"Well what we waiting for mate? let's go!" Purpled said excitedly as Dream started the engine again continuing to drive.

"Oh and don't tell anyone 'kay? or else you know what I'll do." Purpled said as he placed his gun back on his trousers.

Dream knew that Purpled is a skilled assassin, and with his invisibility he can do much more damage.


To Be continued...

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