Chapter 20

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"So you're saying that Davidson will protect us, our family and loved ones if we co-operate?" Tubbo asked.

"Yes, he promised he'd give us full protection,  and we wouldn't be in trouble anymore as long as they end Quackity." Purpled replied. 

"How are you so sure that this guy isn't gonna back stab us as well?"

"Because I saw the sincerity in his eyes. I know a liar when I see one."

"Hmmm,  what if he was faking it?"

"So what are we supposed to do then?" Sapnap butted it.

"Well currently we shall pretend like nothing is going on. I will keep sending them information, and I need you guys to give me intellect as well." Purpled told them. They we're currently on a mission given by HQ to steal something from a wealthy businessman. Driving on the road around two in the morning. 

"Are you sure he will help us?" Tubbo asked again.

"My friend is there with Davidson, does he know about this plan?" Sapnap said.

"Yes and yes. I was following your friend like HQ asked me to when they caught me."

"Speaking of, what did you tell to Quackity when you got back at that time?" Tubbo asked.

"I lied about Dream telling me that Davidson may be keeping something important in one of their buildings." Purpled replied.

"But why wait a month? I mean it's been 2 weeks since that time, Why don't his team attack our fort by now or something?" Tubbo asked Purpled again.

"We need to convince the others first, after that, then I can send them a report and they will attack."

"What if some of us won't believe?" Tubbo said concerned for his friends.

"Then we will need to convince everyone. The three of us already know."

"Hmm, that would be hard when it comes to Wilbur though." Sapnap commented,  everyone knows how Quackity and Wilbur go way back. They were practically like brothers.

"Should we tell him?" Tubbo announced, but Purpled and Sapnap didn't know what to do. Wilbur doesn't know what Quackity has been doing to them, and if they were to tell Wilbur he would most likely believe it as a joke or would tell that to Quackity.

"That's gonna be a hard one." Sapnap spoke, The trio was now silent.

After a few more miles away, they have finally arrived at the location. It was a in a storage room near the sea port. Purpled made sure to park the car over to a place it wasn't noticeable. Sapnap shape shifted into a small rat, quickly ran around the place to check for any potential threats and trouble as Tubbo and Purpled waited. As Sapnap returned he shapeshifted back to himself, informing the other two about the place.

"Alright there were four guards walking around with a shotgun in hand, I checked the insides and there were three more men playing cards while guarding the thing that we needed, as well as some red light sensors." Sapnap informed the two.

"I will deal with the guards outside, you and Purpled should deal with the ones inside." Tubbo suggested.

"Then I will secretly sneak up to the men inside and end them." Purpled complied.

"Alright then lets do this." Sapnap said.

The three of them started moving. Sapnap quickly shapeshifted into a small rat again. And Purpled turn invisible.

Tubbo went silently, not to get caught by all four of the guards. He moves forward to one of the guards, opens his gloves, and touches their back shoulder.

"What the hell?" The guard said, looking behind him and seeing Tubbo there still a hand on his shoulder. Tubbo said something before the guard quickly disappeared,  turning the man into ashes.  This is what Tubbo is capable of. The miracle of the wither. He just touches something and it will wither at his will. Tubbo quickly did the same to the other three who were a few meters apart each. The boy did it successfully, and signs Purpled and Sapnap to continue inside.

Sapnap crawled into a tiny whole,  he made his way inside and unlocks the door from there with all his strength as a rat. Purpled then came inside,  but the three guards were too busy playing cards,  they thought it was one of the guys from outside. Sapnap then swiftly maneuvers the red light sensors as he was tiny in size. While purpled jabbed the necks of one guard. The other two got confused, but quickly got armed when they realize there's someone in there invisible.

"Shit what should we do this invisible guy could be anywhere!?"

"Just shoot everywhere!"

They tried to,  but before they could Purpled again struck a hand to their neck,  making them unconscious.

"That was easy." He said. Walking towards a switch and presses the button off for the red light sensor. 

Sapnap shape shifted into himself,  took the important item and both him and Purpled walked outside like nothing has happened.


"Phew that was awesome!" Tubbo yelled happily,  as they drove off.

"Another successful event I guess." Sapnap sighs.

"We did good." Purpled whispered. They successful retrieved the item Quackity wanted.

"Man I thought we'd get some more action." Sapnap grumbles.

"Yeah same here." Tubbo added.

Purpled sighs, "Well they aren't really a mafia or anything involved like us. It was just a simple businessman."

Deep down the three of them felt sorry for this. They felt guilty for killing so many people, some are even innocent. They felt sorry for the people that was stolen by HQ. None of them really wanted this to happen, but they didn't really have a choice.

"So again,  about the back stabbing." Tubbo started to ask, but Sapnap shushes him.

They already know where this may lead, it could either go successfully or downhill.

But this is their only chance to live normally again. To see their families and the people they care about. They just needed to convince the other members or HQ and to wait for the other mafia to come to their rescue. 


To Be Continued....

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