Evil like this...

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"Oh!" Rip exclaimed as the waverider was being shot at. "We're gonna need to find a safe place to set down, Gideon."

"I don't believe there are any safe places, Captain."

"Are we over London yet?" Stein asked the time master.

"What's left of it." He responded.

"Why's London shooting at us?" I asked him.

"It's Savage's forces that are doing the shooting." He explained. "Here in 2166, they've subjugated most of the world."

"Maybe picking up here wasn't the brightest idea." Sara pointed out, screaming to speak over the other ships.

"Unfortunately, we no longer have the luxury of blindly searching for Savage throughout history." Stein reminded her.

"Indeed; we have to target Savage at the time and place we're certain he will be, which is-" Rory cut Rip off.

"Right before he wastes your family." We all shot him glares. "What?"

"Yes, Mr. Rory, Savage will kill my wife and son in three days time, but we can save them and the world by stopping Savage now."

I held my head as more heavy fire forced us to rattle the ship around. "Captain, I've managed to slip beneath their artillery fire."

"Set us down on the outskirts of the city, Gideon." Rip instructed. "Near the encampment of the remaining resistance forces. We are going to need to proceed swiftly." He said, quickly getting up from his seat.

"I realize your family is in jeopardy, but perhaps some deliberation-" Rip cut Stein off.

"We really don't have time, Martin!" He yelled. "According to Gideon, Savage is going to be out in the open tonight- vulnerable. Now, in order to capture him, I require the services of-"

"A killer, a klepto, and a pyro?" Mick asked Rip.

"Bingo." He confirmed.


"Thank you for accompanying me on this excursion." Rip thanked me, my brother, Jax, and Stein as we searched for the remaining resistance forces.

"Oh, no problem." I told him. "I just love hiking through the woods in the middle of World War III." I said sarcastically.

"What if, instead of encountering these resistance fighters, we meet up with more of Savage's forces?" Stein pointed out.

"Why else do you think I brought along Firestorm and the two atoms?" He countered. As soon as he uttered those words, a bright light shone around us and we were soon met with 30 armed resistance fighters.

"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't blow you straight to hell?" One of them asked us.

"Better yet, give her several good reasons." Stein instructed Rip.

"My wife and son live in Whitechapel." He told the group.

"It was hit hard."

"I know. The same fate will befall you if you don't accept our help."

"How do we know you're not with Savage?"

"Because if we were, you'd be dead right now. Look, feel free to shoot us, but from the looks of it, you could use all the allies you can get."


"Whitechapel fell 11 days ago. We have a lot of refugees. You think your wife and son are among them?"

"Sadly, I'm confident that they are not." He admitted. "Still, we would like to help in whatever way we can."

"Very well; get yourselves acclimated, and I'll rejoin you shortly."

"So what did you mean back there, about your family?" Ray asked Rip as we stood by a fire, warming ourselves up.

"I'd rather not discuss it." He said.

"Yeah, I think we picked up on that." I commented. "We also picked up on the fact that we're in London just a few days before Savage kills your wife and son, and you're not trying to get them to safety." I pointed out.

"After my first attempt on Savage in Ancient Egypt, my very next stop was here in 2166. I found Miranda and Jonas exactly where I had left them, and we- we raced towards the waverider, but we had a runin with Savage's shock troopers. Miranda and Jonas were cut down. So I jumped even further back,and the outcome was exactly the same. I watched my family die countless times at the hands of Savage and his forces before I realized that..." His voice trailed off.

"Time wants to happen." Ray finished for him.

"Funny feeling knowing the universe itself doesn't want you to save your family."

"All right, what are you really playing at?" One of the resistance fighters asked Rip. "I retina scanned the five of you. There's no record of you anywhere." She pointed at Rip. "And you and your friends disappeared 150 years ago." She pointed at Ray and I.

"Believe me when I tell you it would take about that much time for us to tell you the whole story." Rip informed her. "But the most important thing is that we get as close to Vandal Savage as possible."

"No one gets close to Savage. Especially not now. Some idiots made an attempt on his life earlier tonight." My eyes drifted away, very well knowing that that was Lenny, Mick, Sara, and Rip. "He's gone to ground in the citadel's bunker and he's holed up good and tight."

"Delta camp is under attack." A man on the radio said. "Taking heavy fire. We need air support!"

"Where's Delta Camp?" I asked her.


"Establish a perimeter!" She ordered her men. "Once it's secure, we'll search for survivors." She then turned to us. "Last week, Savage laid waste to Tokyo. London is the last patch of free ground on the planet. Savage's armies have cut down the most formidable militaries in the world. What do you men think you can do about evil like this?"

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