The truth revealed...again...

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"I'm not the only one whose vision is blurry in their left eye, am I?" Stein asked as we landed the waverider.

"Seeing three of everything. That's normal, right?" Jax asked.

"Yes, as I mentioned before, the effect of time travel on the human body increases with the length of each jaunt." He said as I cracked my neck.

"So, where are we?" Kendra asked.

"Harmony Falls, Oregon." Rip told us. "According to Captain Baxter's intel, Savage makes an appearance in this quaint little hamlet."

"What the hell is Savage doing in Pleasantville?" I asked.

"Murder apparently." He said as Gideon pulled up a file. "Several denizens of Harmony Falls have been slain, and others have gone missing." He read off a newspaper.

"Huh, kind of like Rory." Jax said. Lenny just looked down at his feet. I placed my hand on his back and rubbed it in a small circle.

"Reports are vague, but it seems like the killer is an expert with knives." Rip said, still looking at the report.

"That sounds like Savage's MO." Sara said from her seat.

"Yeah, but serial killing isn't." I pointed out. "Sounds pretty small time for a guy whose had coffee with Hitler."

"Yeah, well, clearly we have to assume that Savage has a larger, more nefarious plan. But since we've just jumped back in time, Savage isn't expecting us here."

"Savage is pretty good at hiding, even in a small town, so how do you plan to find him?" Kendra asked.

"By investigating these murders." Rip answered. "Now, there has to be a common link between the victims, starting with the first. A piano teacher was found slain in her home, which is now on the market. Kendra and Raymond will pose as a married couple buying the house. Dr. Matt Miller was found murdered on the grounds of the asylum where he worked. The Sanitarium is in need of a replacement. Professor Stein, you will pose a doctor, whilst Miss Lance is your trusty nurse. Meanwhile, Jax is the perfect age to discern the facts behind the disappearance of three teenagers that went missing a week before these murders began."

"So, Raymond and Kendra are shacking up, Sara's nurse ratched, and Jax's the new kid in town. Where does that leave us?" Lenny asked, regarding me and him.


Researching duty. While Rip and my boyfriend were playing dress up, he literally had me researching. And, everything was coming up empty. All of a sudden, something caught my eye.

"Gideon, go back, please."

"I'm sorry Miss Palmer, but Captain Hunter has instructed me to not let anyone on the team view the report."

"Well, it ended up there, so I'm going to ask you again, go back to the report, Gideon." The damn headline.

Laurel Lance murdered by Damien Darhk in prison break-April 6th, 2016

April 6th was only a week away. There was no way Sara knew, but Rip did.


"Well, Mr. Snart, I'd say that mission was a-" He was cut off by my fist connecting with his face. "I probably deserved that, but what is that for?" I slammed his body against the wall as Lenny just watched.

"You're a sick son of a bitch you know that? I was the only one that trusted you when you lied and you lied again."

"What are you talking about, princess?" Lenny asked me.

The Other Palmer-Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/Zari TomazWhere stories live. Discover now