Downtime... not really

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"We've arrived in Leipzig, Germany, the most current location for Vandal Savage. And by the way captain, you are urgently needed in the medbay." Gideon told us. I had been cleared and Kendra was the only one in the medbay. Kendra. Me, Stein, and Rip rushed to the medbay.

"I thought she stabilized." Rip said to us as we sprinted towards the medbay.

"As did I." he responded. When we got to the medbay, Kendra was seizing and my brother was standing over her. She was quiet, but all of a sudden started screaming.

"Carter! Where's Carter?"

"He's gone Kendra. I'm so sorry." Stein never used first names, so you knew how serious the situation was.

"Gideon turn that bloody noise off!" Rip shouted at Gideon.

"Yes captain."

"What's going on?" Ray asked clueless.

"What does it look like bozo? Kendra's having a medical complication." I yelled at him. Practically everyone was yelling, so I just yelled out of habit.

"Yeah, what kind of complication?"

Before anyone could answer Kendra started screaming again.
"How could you leave him?" Her body went limp.

"Is she-" I asked.

"Medbay gave her a sedative, but obviously her condition is worsening, " Stein told me.


Rip had gathered the rest of the team on the bridge, in order to explain Kendra's condition.

"Pieces of the dagger have apparently broken off and are, as we speak, en route to her heart."

"Can't we just time jump into the future where they got the stuff that can fix her?" Jax asked.

"This ship is from that very same future and has, thus far, been unsuccessful in saving her." Rip explained to them.

"Kendra wouldn't survive the time jump anyways." Snart added. "I pay attention." He told us as we all gave him surprised looks. Then, he looked at Sara. The same way his icy blue eyes had landed on me the day before. I felt a sinking pit in my stomach. Why Snart? Why did I have to fall for him? Why was he toying with my emotions?

"To sum up, Carter Hall is dead, girlfriend is not too far behind. Savage is sitting pretty in 1975 which we're all stuck in. That how the plan supposed to go Rip?" Mick grumbled.

"Obviously not, but the mission is simple. We stop Vandal Savage here in the past and we save the future."

"Simple doesn't mean easy, captain." I pointed out.

"Oh, I never said it was. The benefit of being a time master is that the length and breadth of history gives one... perspective. I've seen darker days. I've seen men of steel die, and dark knights fall, and even then I accomplished my mission no matter what. Gideon, what's our status?" He finished his rant by asking the AI.

"When the waverider was attacked by Chronos, the jump ship was damaged. Unless you make repairs, we will be unable to-"

"Wait, jump ship?" Jax asked.

"It's a small expeditionarry vessel at the belly of the waverider-" he cut himself off, "You're a mechanic! You have a look at it." he said dismissively.

"Uh, auto mechanic." He pointed to himself. "Spaceship." he pointed to the waverider. Rip gave him a look that just said 'So?' Before he said, "Okay, if you've got a set of wrenches, I'll see what I can do.

"What about the rest of us?" Mick asked grumpy. Must have run out of beer. "Do we just sit?"

"Capital idea Mr. Rory. You're not as thick as most people say."

"Thick... does that mean stupid?" he asked slowly.

Me, and Snart headed off in one direction, while the rest of the team, excluding Ray, Stein, Sara, and Rip headed the other. Sara and Rip stayed on the bridge. As me and Snart were walking I stopped and asked him, "You know you're an extravagant asshole, right?" He stopped walking and turned back at me. He didn't say anything, so I went on.

"You and I almost kissed yesterday, but I reject you, so you toy with my emotions by looking at Sara like you look at me?" He looked amused. "What is so funny? You think you're cute?"

"I think you're cute. Especially when you're jealous."

I chuckled. "Pfft. I am not jealous. But you, my friend, have to get your priorities straight."

"Friend." he said as I walked away, "I don't like that."


Just saying that Snart will probably be a little softer than he was in the original season 1, but I feel like that's the way I could better develop his character.

The Other Palmer-Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/Zari TomazWhere stories live. Discover now