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TW: Small mention of rape

"Any updates?" Sara asked as we both walked into the medbay.

"We're making progress." Stein responded. He was trying to be as optimistic as he could, but I could tell it wasn't as good as it could be.

"In the meantime, we need to get ready to back Kendra up." We tried to explain to the man.

"She's going into the asylum to meet Savage tonight." I added to Sara's comment. I wasn't completely on board with the idea, but I could think of nothing better.

"Another opportunity for you to see Nurse Carlisle." Stein said to Sara with a small smirk on his face.

"Ooh, Sara's got a new girlfriend."

"Shut up." She hit the back of my head. "You're not one to judge. And I have to apologize to her." She turned her attention back to Stein.

"I warned you Miss Lance." He reprimanded the blonde assassin who clearly felt bad. "Rushing a repressed woman from the 1950's into the freewheeling sexual mores of the 21st century-" I cut the professor off.

"Stein, let me take this one. One bi to another." I turned my attention towards Sara.

"You're bi?" She asked me shocked.

"I've had my fair share of girlfriends back in the day." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Now, let me guess; you haven't been with anyone or felt anything like that since you were resurrected and you freaked out when you kissed her."

"That is..." She paused for a second. "Weirdly accurate, yeah. And, when Lindsay kissed me," I finished for her.

"It was like you were being kissed for the first time?"

"You are weirdly good at this."

"Actually, it's not that weird. Lenny is my first partner since I exploded and shrunk. Since Damien Darhk kidnapped and tortured me. And, I know you must feel terrified right now. That's what sucks about feelings. Realizing how much you can hurt someone. Or get hurt. And, the feeling, it doesn't go away. But, if you find the right person, you put that aside and focus on them." I said thinking about Lenny while trying to avoid Sara's gaze. Sara's been by my side and right now I was betraying her. "Because at the end of the day love is worth the risk."


I had opted to stay on the ship for the mission with Savage. Mostly because I hadn't been out in the field the entire mission, but I had opted to go with Sara back to the asylum where she went to talk to her "friend" Lindsay.

"You ready to go? I asked as she finished her conversation.

"Yeah." She gave me a small smile.


"1958's swell and all, but I miss the internet. And cell phones." Kendra admitted as we walked back to the waverider. All of a sudden, the wings to the waverider expanded and it took to the sky. The four of us tried frantically to wave it down, but it didn't work. The waverider and everyone on it was gone.

"Where did they go?" Sara asked.

"Better yet, why did they leave us?" I questioned. I knew Lenny would never leave me behind. Unless something was wrong.

"We just have to stay calm." Ray told us as we tried to wrap our heads around what just happened. "Wherever they time jumped- whenever, they'll come back to this exact moment." He reassured us. Although, it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than us. We waited, but the ship did not reappear in the sky.

The Other Palmer-Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/Zari TomazTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon