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I stumbled into the medbay, relying on Sara and Rip for support. Ray was in his A.T.O.M. suit and Stein was next to him.

"What happened to her?" Ray asked Rip.

I spat out the blood in my mouth. "A South African mercenary happened."

"You son of a bitch." He said to Rip. "Why is my sister almost killed every time she goes off?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Palmer, but right now she needs medical attention."

"Take care of Kendra. I'm okay Ray." He nodded and shrunk into the A.T.OM. suit. While he and Stein worked on Kendra and Gideon healed me, Sara and Rip were talking about what happened at the bank.

"What the hell happened back there?"

"You know I'm a killer. That's why you put me in your little group."

"I didn't just witness a killer at work, Sara."

"Leave it alone, Rip." I warned him.

He ignored me. "What I saw was an animal."

"You are the last person on this ship to judge anyone." She yelled at him.

"This is not judgement, Sara, it is concern."

"I thought you knew how I was resurrected and-and what it did to me."

"I know you were restored by something called the Lazarus Pit."

"Well, apparently there's a downside to being brought back to life. My friend Thea calls it a blood lust, but that's being generous and so is calling me an animal. I'm a monster."

"Sara! Sara!" I called after her, but she was gone. "You couldn't have left well enough alone could you?" He looked at me with regret in my eyes. "How do you think Sara feels? She has something living inside of her that she can't control. Something that makes her kill. How would you feel? Knowing you can't control the killer inside you?" I asked him before he walked off. "Gideon, how long until I can get out of this chair?"

"About 3 hours, Miss Palmer."


About 3 hours later, Gideon had finally finished healing me. Kendra was sedated, but my brother managed to get the pieces of the dagger out of her body. I got up and went looking for Sara, who I found in a spare room with Rip, about to start interrogating the accountant Mr. Blake. Rip took the bag off of Mr. Blake's head.

"I'm going to make this very simple Mr. Blake. You tell me where Vandal Savage is hiding his fortunes, and we will let you leave unmolested."

"Vandal Savage. Is that the name you know him by?"

"Let's assume so, yes." Rip started pacing around the room.

"And what is your name? Gareeb?"

Rip's body shot up and he approached Mr. Blake again.

"Will you give us a moment?"

"Gareeb?" I asked him.

"It's a legend passed down for 4,000 years. When my master was first bestowed the gift of eternal life, an enemy tried to kill him. Every myth has it's monster. It's devil. For those of our order, it's him, the gareeb."

"I'd stop talking now if I were you, mate."

"If I were you I'd run. Your friend has already failed to kill my master once." Blake said to us. "He won't be able to protect you." he chuckled. "In fact, I highly doubt he's ever been able to protect anyone." Rip struck him on his head, knocking Blake out before storming out, me and Sara right on his trail."

"What did he mean you already tried to kill Savage?" Sara asked him.

"Leave it be, Sara."

"Why would we?" I asked him.

"If you want us to do this-"

"Yes, okay!" Rip snapped. "Yes, I-I had tried to kill Savage once before. I had him dead to rights and I hesitated."

"Killing is never easy, especially for a good man." Sara tried to comfort him.

"But the man that killed my wife and son and God knows how many other wifes and sons, and yet I couldn't-. Your killing people doesn't make you a monster, Sara, but having the chance to avenge your family and not taking it..." He trailed off. "That does."


Me and Sara slapped Blake, waking him up.

"Let's try this again." Rip said from the corner of the room, approaching Blake.

"Back for more." Blake murmured.

"Where's Savage's fortune? Now I'm particularly interested in this thing called the vessel."

"The vessel is my master's most treasured possession."
"Excellent, and where can we find it?"

"The Greyhill building. There's a gathering tonight in celebration of it."

"And clearly you want us to go so we can get ourselves killed."

"Clearly." He chuckled.

"What is the vessel?"

"It's the remains of Prince Khufu of the Middle Kingdom. I believe you know him as Carter Hall."

"What is Savage going to do with Carter's body?" I asked him.

"Well there's only one way to find out, isn't there?"

"Gideon locate the Greyhill building and set a course!" Rip yelled to Gideon.

"Wait, we had a plan. Going after Savage's fortune."

"Yeah well, not anymore. I won't let Carter's remains be desecrated by that monster. I won't let him win again. And when Kendra wakes up-and she will wake up, she can give her soulmate a proper farewell."

"Then let us at least go in with the rest of the team." Sara went back at him.


"Sir, Mr. Snart, Mr. Rory, and Mr. Jackson are no longer aboard the ship."

The Other Palmer-Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/Zari TomazWhere stories live. Discover now