Co-Captain Palmer...

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"Since the introduction of our latest line of autonomous law enforcement officers, crime has dropped precipitously." Our tour guide told us. "In fact, it's not existent." I kept moving my eyes around the display, looking at how our technology which was created for good uses was being used to hurt people.
"Really?" Stein asked her. "Well, thank you for showing us around Dr. Brice."

"It's my pleasure. We don't get too many visitors from Central City ever since S.T.A.R. Labs corporation took it over."

"Uh, unless I'm mistaken, your tech uses dwarf star alloy." Ray spoke up.

"The technology is proprietary, but yes. How did you know, Doctor..."

"Lecter. Doctor Hannibal Lecter." I'm going to pretend he didn't use a fictitious serial killer as an alter ego.

"So, how did you get into robotics, Dr. Brice?" I asked, bringing the attention away from Ray.

"Oh, well, it's in my blood. Robotics have been a passion of my family ever since my great- great- great- great grandfather founded the company." She led us over to a memorial of someone with the name Palmer. And he looked exactly like Ray. Yep, I was a great- great- great- great aunt.

"Is that-"

"Oh my god I'm gonna be sick." Ray just stayed silent and stared at the shrine.

"Huh, weird. You look just like him." Dr. Brice said to her ancestor.

"Yeah, I- I look just like- yeah, that's- that's pretty weird."


"I can't believe it. I'm like the Werner Von Braun of robots." Ray said as we walked back to the bridge.

"The who?" Jax asked.

"The Nazi scientist who invented the V2 rocket, built it using slave labor, then used it to level London." I explained. "And it's not only you, Ray. I helped with the A.T.O.M. suit."

"And one day, our robots will be used to level the entire world."

"Dude, do you not think you're focusing on the wrong thing here?" Jax asked Ray. "I mean, you have a kid you didn't even know about."

"Had." Stein corrected. "In this particular time period, his offspring would be long since dead."

"Thank you." Ray said sarcastically. "As if I wasn't already feeling bad enough. How is it even possible that I'm someone's great- great- great- great grandfather?"

"You see Ray, when a man and a woman love each other very much-" He rolled his eyes and cut me off.

"Before we left in 2016, the only person I was..."

"Having sex with?"

"Ghosted me the week before we left."

"She died?" Stein asked, completely oblivious.

"No, no, ghosting." Jax tried to explain to him. "It's where you pretend to be dead by not answering somebody's text."

"What a strange age for dating." Stein said underneath his breath.

"You think she didn't reply to your text because she knew she was knocked up with your kid?" I asked Ray.

"No wonder my kid started the company that manufactures evil robots. If I'd never left 2016, my child would have a loving father, and Palmer Tech might not have gone on to build a robot army which Savage uses to conquer the world."

"Ray, it's not on you. If I had stayed, I would have made sure this never happened." I tried to reassure him.

"Bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Martin asked us.

The Other Palmer-Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/Zari TomazWhere stories live. Discover now