You and money...

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TW: Mention of rape

"Gideon, camouflage the ship." Rip told the AI as we left the ship, me glued to Snart's side. "This doesn't look like the type of place we want to linger out in the open."

"That looks a lot like a PalmerTech building, but why does it have a Smoak logo on it?" I asked.

"Wait, this is Star City." Sara figured out. "I thought you said the timeline was safe." She turned to Rip.

"Yes, Star City is intact in 2016. This-this is 2046." He told us while looking down at some sort of scanner.

"Don't move!" Oliver yelled. Well, it was someone in the green arrow outfit. Rip raised his laser gun at the man.

"Thank god." Sara walked towards him.

"I said don't move!"

"It's me. It's Sara."

"Hey, Oliver, look. I-I" Ray stuttered with his words. "I know it's been a long time. But, don't you remember Rip Hunter recruited us to become legends?"

"I never heard of any legends." He started shooting at us and we ducked for cover. Lenny grabbed me and pulled me behind a car.

"This guy a friend of yours? I don't like him." Mick grumbled while shooting his heat gun.

"What are you doing?" Sara asked Rip.

"It's called shooting back."

"This can't be the green arrow." Kendra said from behind a car.

"This is not Oliver Queen." I told her.

"Sure dresses like him." Ray said from beside Kendra.

"Shoots arrows like him." Lenny yelled.

"Well, whoever he is, I don't plan to stay behind and get shish kebabed by this dude." Jax said from behind me and Lenny.

"Kid's right. Let's stay behind and kill him." Mick proposed.

"We need to return to the ship." It only took us a second to get up and retreat back to the ship.


We walked into the bridge, ignoring the sparks falling from the ceiling. "All right, Rip. Tell us the truth." Sara confronted the time master.

"You've all seen how the timeline is malleable- in flux until it is set. Well, this future is not set. Remember when I told you it was dangerous to know too much about your own futures? Well, the events that you dread could very well come to be due to your actions to prevent them."

"You think what I think? I think that you think too much." Mick grumbled.

"Believe me when I tell you that the best thing for yourselves and for this mission is to make repairs to the waverider here in 2046 then head back to your own time, and make sure none of this ever comes to be."

"I'm with Rip on this one." I commented.


"Arianna." Rip called after me as I walked down the hallway. Snart gripped his arm around me protectively.

"Go, I'll be okay." I kissed his cheek and he walked off. "Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Yes, I just wanted to talk to you."

"What about?"

"Well, when we went to the Pentagon and then to the U.S.S.R., you showed great leadership skills. When you feel up to it, I would like you to be my co-captain. Just in case anything happens to me. It would be good that we have someone else to take control and who knows what they're doing. How does that sound?"

The Other Palmer-Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/Zari TomazWhere stories live. Discover now