There's nothing there!

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"Sara!" I called from behind her. After my talk with Snart, I went off to find Sara.

"Ri, what's up?"

"Okay, this is going to sound really awkward and random, but do you like Snart?" I asked, walking side by side with her.

"I don't, but someone else definitely does." She answered, looking straight forward. I mentally panicked.

"Really, who?"

"You." She smiled.

"Oh come Sara. I don't-"

"Don't even try to deny it. And after this mission, you should definitely smash him. Or smash someone else because if you're still thinking about him you know you're really into him."

"You know you give horrible advice, right? Who am I supposed to smash on a 22nd century timeship. Jax? Mick? Rip? No way. And what mission?"

"First of all, see how Snart wasn't on that list. And second, I just realized something that could help with our Savage issue." She walked off leaving me to follow.


We walked into the parlour and saw Rip staring at a photo of his wife and son.

"Is that your son? He looks like you." Sara said from behind him. He immediately closed the locket.

"Sorry." I apologized. "She was trained by the league of assassins."

"Sneaking up on people is kind of our thing." She added.

"I'd like to be alone for a moment." He practically whispered.

"You don't actually have a plan do you?" I concluded from his body language.

"And that speech wasn't about convincing us."

"It was about convincing you. Didn't work, did it?" Sara and I went back and forth.

"Not particularly, no. Hence my desire to be alone."

"So, we can't kill Savage."

"Oh, I see you've grasped the concept of immortality, well done." Rip said sarcastically.

"Maybe we could slow him down." I proposed.

"Now Ra's al Ghul taught me a thing or two about fighting powerful adversaries. If you can't kill your enemy, weaken him."

"If you can't cut off his head, you take his heart." I added.

"Mr. al Ghul was quite the poet." Rip murmured, still in his seat with his back turned to us.

"Back at the weapons auction, Savage was trying to sell his nuke." Rip's head shot up and he turned around.

"Money is power." He concluded.

"Take away Savage's fortune, he's just a regular guy with a really long lifespan." I added.

"It certainly would set his plan for world domination back a few decades."

"So, where did Savage keep his money in 1975?"


"Gideon, where's Savage's money now?" Rip asked the AI.

"Dr. Boardman theorized that Savage entrusted it to the Brüemberg Group, the oldest bank in the world."

"I'll go tell the rest of the team." Sara said.

"That won't be necessary." He looked at us before continuing. "I'm going alone. I can't have any more blood on our hands."

"Except for your own?"

"You can't go in there without backup." I added.

"Look, I brought you all with me under false pretenses. Carter would still be alive if I hadn't convinced him to come."

"No one's on this ship that doesn't want to be here." I reminded him.

"But I can't risk the whole team."

"Fine. Just us." Sara proposed.

"And if it helps, we're not giving you a choice." I added. "We are going with you to that bank."

"Someone say bank?" Snart asked from the corner of the room, entering with Mick.

"Your services aren't required Mr. Snart. This is purely reconnaissance."

"We know how to case banks." Mick grumbled. "We're practically bankers." Rip hung his head low.

"Except we take the money out."

"Yes, and when I need to steal something, you'll be the first to know. I assure you." Rip, Sara, and myself filed out in that order. I stopped in my tracks when I heard Snart's voice.

"Careful out there princess." I walked up to him.

"If you call me princess again, I'll start calling you Lenny, Lenny." I smirked and walked away. Sara was waiting right outside the door.

"Could he make it more obvious he wants you?"

"Don't know what you're talking about, Sar." I grinned and walked to the fabrication room.


Next chapter there will be a part with Snart's POV in it which I am genuinely excited for. Hope you enjoy!

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