If it was not his lover lying in his arms, then the situation would be reversed with the king of Eldoris holding the broken body of his queen. How could any man forgive the person who had aimed a spear into his heart and destroyed it utterly?

But Triton felt like he was a coward. That person who had so precisely ripped the person who made his dull life feel vibrant was his own flesh and blood mother. Part of him couldn't understand why his mother would do such a thing. But the other part of him knew that his mother intended for Triton to inherit the throne so he would never be used by anyone in the world. Just like his mother had been used, forced to be on the queen's throne of Eldoris by her own father. But didn't Mother realize that what she was doing was exactly what his maternal grandfather had done to her?

What could Triton do about it? He was a powerless and ill prince who had only a title but no other status. He had failed to keep his own love safe. A coward, one could say.

So Triton did the only thing he could think to do. He kneeled down before his brother.


Percy reached for his brother to bring him up from his knees, but Triton refused his help.

"Please, brother, spare my mother's life." Triton lowered his head onto the ground. "I beg of you."

Both siblings knew the one behind this was the dowager queen Amphitrite. Even though the evidence had not been all gathered, the day of reckoning was coming.

"You are a prince of Eldoris," Percy said. "Quickly, get up."

Triton shook his head. "I don't deserve that title, and I know I certainly don't deserve asking to spare my mother's life. Least of all to you."

After all, it was Triton's own mother, the dowager queen, who had not spared Percy's mother's life. Even if Amphitrite had not wanted to assume the throne, she had still chosen this route.

"Even though she has killed your lover?" Percy asked. "Even when she has plotted to kill my own mother?"

Triton bowed his head even lower. Percy knew it was a difficult choice for his younger brother. Committing matricide was not innate in humanity. It was the children of murderers who often bear the burden and stigma for long generations after.

"I will take Mother away in exile, brother. I will make sure that she will not hurt another innocent soul again. I swear this on my life." Triton could only say.

He had already lost someone important to him. Though his mother was in the wrong, he was too selfish and wanted his mother to be alive at least.

"I know that I am selfish in asking this, brother. My mother is not perfect, and she has hurt others. This is undoubtedly true. I do not wish for her to continue hurting another human being."

Percy let out a sigh. Triton kneeling and bowing his head was a pitiful sight. What kind of fucked up royal family was this that brother fought against brother, son against mother? But all the royal families were like this.

"Please, I can help in whatever ways I can!" Triton pleaded.

Triton offering an olive branch to be a spy within the dowager queen's inner circle could be useful. But Percy also knew that his half-brother was complicated as well. Even though Triton was ill, he would have still heard of some plans or information dropped carelessly around him. Who would deem an ill prince a threat? Yet Triton could not or would not pass on the information even if it harmed Percy. Triton was only forced to take this path because he was personally affected by his mother's disastrous actions.

Percy knew that exile or imprisonment could be a worse punishment than death for the queen. It was far more painful for one to live many more years and see others living well while one was living in the dredges. Still, if it was up to him, Percy would rather the dowager queen be buried six feet in the ground by now if it wouldn't cost such royal upheaval in the court. Both he and the dowager queen knew this. The only ending they could have was the death of the other. But of course, Percy could not tell this to Triton.

"We'll talk about this later," Percy said gently. "The sun is rising, and you must return to Marigold Palace."

Triton stared at the face of his lover woodenly as if trying to commit to memory her features. At last, he stood up and swayed slightly. Even when her body was carted away to be buried, Triton's eyes never strayed until he could not see her anymore. Finally, he staggered back to Marigold Palace, clutching the little golden ring he had given to his lover.

Percy brooded for a while. He had seen love take form in many shapes and sizes. His own father was insane enough in his love to take in a second queen who was similar to his first wife just to indulge in the fantasy that his first wife was back once more. Then, Queen Annabeth's experiment had shown that Princess Alana's and Crown Prince Jason's great love had been nothing more than a case of adrenaline, hormones, and lumokinesis manipulation of emotion. And here he had an example of when love went wrong to the depths of hell. Wasn't Triton now a mere shadow of himself after he had lost his lover, driven on the path to betray his own mother?

True love didn't exist for royals like him and Triton. Everyone had said King Poseidon's love had been the greatest fairy tale of the century. Yet, Percy's mother had vanished just like that. It all made Percy not want to believe in love.

But even as Percy thought that, a memory of a blonde young woman in his arms whispering words of comfort pierced his thoughts. The fragrance she had left on him was still there.

Percy found himself touching the handkerchief she had embroidered for him.


A/N: Ah, morals and ethics in this story. Even Triton is all shades of gray morality. Not actively participating in violence and looking the other way doesn't absolve one of sins.

I actually meant for this chapter to be a surprise update, but it totally slipped my mind. Woops...

As always, stay safe and see you all next week!

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