Chapter 7

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A/N: I own nothing but plot. Enjoy!


The former Queen of Eldoris, Dowager Queen Amphitrite, raged as she was brought the news that King Perseus had successfully brought a Kiran princess as the future Queen of Eldoris. Not to mention that it was rumored that the King seemed to favor his new queen.

The future queen was installed not in Dahlia Palace since it was still being reconstructed after King Perseus had kicked out Amphitrite, the former queen. Neither was the princess placed in an auxiliary palace, but the king had unashamedly and unabashedly placed her in Gardenia Palace. Wasn't this telling everyone that the future Queen was not to be taken lightly and that the king would be carefully guarding her?

It would be far more difficult for her to act in Gardenia Palace as opposed to Dahlia Palace where she still had a few of her people installed. But given how tight King Perseus ran his palaces, even then her people had to act cautiously.

And didn't those Kiran bastards promise that the princess would be killed before she could reach the Eldoris palace? Amphitrite narrowed her blue eyes and ground her teeth in frustration, marring her still beautiful face.

She had merely supplied the weapons, while the Kiran had planted their own people in killing their own princess. Yet, the Kirans' message seemed to be blaming her for the failed assassination.

Amphitrite smashed a mirror onto the floor. Her maids were already kneeling on the ground, trembling in fear.

"Where's the maid who was supposed to serve the tea to the king four days ago?" Amphitrite spat.

"Your Ladyship, the maid...the maid has disappeared." Her most trusted lady-in-waiting and cousin, Lady Selene, bowed her head.

Amphitrite growled and threw a teacup onto the ground, uncaring that she had knocked a ruby from the gilded cup. The maid must have run away after seeing the princess arrive safely. Was it possible that the king had gotten his hands on that useless maid already?

"Find that maid immediately!"

Amphitrite had made sure that several people were in between her orders to the maid so no one could track it back to the dowager queen. Unbeknownst to Amphitrite, the king had already captured the kitchen maid who had been bribed to add "medicine" to the king's tea. A confession had already been extracted, though the links to the dowager queen were murky. But the king could do nothing yet as Amphitrite's relatives still had some power in court.

Finding the presence of the cowering maids unsightly, she ordered them out of her rooms.

"Get out, scram!"

She had bribed a maid in Gardenia Palace to poison the king so he would be unable to prevent the Kiran princess' death. Unfortunately, even the deadliest of poisons would at most just cause the king to sleep for a few days as his body purged itself of impurities. In this case, Amphitrite thought the poison had succeeded as word had leaked from Gardenia Palace that the king would be out of commission for a few days. So how did the princess still survive? It must be because of the Kirans' inability to follow through on their task!

How else could her son sit on the throne? Amphitrite worriedly fussed over her son, Triton, as he slept peacefully on the lounge chair. When he was born, Amphitrite thought that her hold onto the throne of Eldoris would be complete. After all, even King Poseidon had praised Triton as a baby born with good virtue and fortune. But as Amphitrite was the Queen's former lady-in-waiting, she could recall that King Poseidon had similarly praised Perseus when he was born. So all she needed to do was to get rid of the obstacle in her way.

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