Episode 11: The lunch amongst heroes.

Start from the beginning

Present Day:
"That makes no sense. Why would anyone let kids live that way?" Logan asked with a frustrated growl. 

"It's more common than you realize. The governments of the world just do a good job on not making it obvious. Sure, maybe you could still have a good childhood if you are quirkless living in mixed communities. But, despite my dad being a scientist, he didn't get paid all that much... not at first at least. You see, when you are quirkless, people tell you that you can be a police officer or a cook or anything really... but if you look at current employment trends, it's all bull crap. Culinary schools starts moving to find people with weak heat related quirks, police officers are more likely to get hired if they have some kind of lie detector type quirk, heck even janitors are more than likely to have some weak water type quirk these days. People only say they want to hire quirkless workers for brownie points in the political space, but no one really means it. My dad had to prove himself as smarter than his peers in order to even have a chance of making a better living." Takumi explained. Reed frowned. Was THIS really the society that heroes helped to build?

"You ever see areas where All Might has been spotted? Areas of Japan that are usually filled with people with and without quirks. In the slums we are taught not to bother to ask for help. Because no one really pays attention anyway." Takumi continued. 

The Quirkless Report... it was the local newspaper for quirkless people. The only one that gave news to the quirkless slums. It was known for having some fiesty reporters. They had to be. Their more wealthy contemporaries already steamrolled them when it came to press events by being seen by the public as actual relevant papers. That didn't stop the reporters of The Quirkless Report from trying their hardest to fight for justice for those who lived in the quirkless slums. 

"Governor Bradshaw, this is Rebecca Wilson. I'm a reporter for The Quirkless Report, I have a question I would like to..." A reporter from the Report started to say before she was cut off by the governor. 

"I didn't realize we invited unqualified tabloids to our events. But go ahead, ask your question. Don't say I never did anything for you." Bradshaw said. Rebecca fought the urge to growl in anger as she started to speak again. 

"Quirkless readers around the state would like to know how you plan to improve on their quality of life. There are many quirkless neighborhoods with run down houses, ruined libraries, school facilities in poor condition..." Rebecca started to say before she was cut off again by Bradshaw. 

"What do you mean? The way everything is now works out fine. If anything happens to your quirkless readers, mind you I'm even surprised they can read, then nothing of value really got lost. They are not the future for our state, our nation, or our world. They are relics of a by gone era where once normal humans were once in power. But the truth of the matter is, when mutations, now known as quirks became more common, the quirkless of the world became less and less relevant. Quite frankly, unless one of them starts trying to build Sentinels again, no one in the quirkless community, if you can even call it that, even matters anymore. I'm not going to waste time sitting here, pretending like I actually care what happens to the quirkless because the truth is no one cares what happens to the quirkless." Bradshaw ranted. 

Takumi's mother gasped when she heard that. It was on tv everywhere, and right in hearing distance of the tv was Takumi, doing his homework from that day in school. He would never forget the look on his mother's face when she realized just how alone they really were. 

Present Day:
"Every day I train to become a Pro Hero, I remember that I'm doing it for the people who feel alone and forgotten. I'm doing it for the ones ignored by our world leaders. I'm doing it because, as much as I am a fan of All Might, he is my favorite hero, the Symbol of Peace isn't enough to inspire the world when there are so many out there who does not even feel a shred of hope. If this society only responds to heroes, then I'll become a hero and show the world that every good person deserves to be listened to. Everyone has value, regardless of their quirk or lack of one." Takumi explained. 

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