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The barrage of rocks barely missed the War-Hammer, only a few being able to hit his armor, making cracks that were repaired quickly.

Beast Titan: War-Hammer, I did not expect us to meet again so soon

The War-Hammer slowly made his way inside Shiganshina, monitoring the Titan with fur and spotting the Armored Titan next to him.

The War-Hammer slowly made his way inside Shiganshina, monitoring the Titan with fur and spotting the Armored Titan next to him

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(y/n) was in front of the Beast Titan, and to his surprise, the other Titan was taller than him.

W.H(y/n): Where is she.

Beast Titan: Who?

Before the Beast Titan could react, a punch was sent to his face. Ending up on the ground.

Immediately, the Armored rushed the War-Hammer but suffered the same fate as the other Titan, but his armor helped to protect him from the hit, suffering from less damage.

W.H(y/n): I'll ask again, where. Is. She.

But none of them answered. The Beast Titan, because he didn't know what he was talking about, and the Armored, simply can't talk. Suddenly, (y/n) could swear he heard people walking on a metallic surface. He looked around but saw nothing. The Armored Titan took the chance of his distraction and tackled the War-Hammer, sending both of them to the ground.

They wrestled for a few moments until the Armored Titan was raised from the ground by a spike on his chest, but he quickly got out of it by hardening his fingers, forming claws, and using them to reach the top.

Before they could get to the attack again, another barrage of parts of broken houses hit the War-Hammer, this time, causing even more damage due to how close he was, breaking his armor to (y/n)'s surprise. He looked to where the attack had come from and saw the Beast Titan grabbing another chunk of a house. 

Unknowing to (y/n), a certain someone was watching from afar, it was Bertholdt, which was doubting if either he should join or not, but as he saw the Beast and Armored Titan prepared to fight him, his doubts drifted away, 100% sure that they would win.

Bertholdt: Get him, Zeke, Reiner!

The Armored was the first to make a move, rushing at the War-Hammer, but he quickly made his hammer and hit him on his side, sending him flying to some houses, but before the War-Hammer could do anything more, he was hit again by a barrage of house parts, making him stagger and breaking his armor.

He knew if he wanted to accomplish something, he would need to take care of him first since he dealt the most damage and could attack from any distance. He immediately rushed him but was countered by more house parts, sending him to the ground, but then he remembered, he can also attack from any distance.

Without waiting for a second, multiple spears appeared stabbing the Beast Titan, preventing him from making any movement, the Armored ran at the War-Hammer, but he was instantly met with his Hammer, sent flying and like the Beast Titan, was stabbed by spikes.

Paradis's Hammer  (attack on titan x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now