On my own

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Narrator p.o.v

The group on the stairs hadn't moved for a few moments, all waiting for someone else to do something. Until (y/n) decided to speak.

(y/n): Guys... There's no reason for us to fight, just get out of the way.

Jean: You'll get in more trouble, (y/n)... Please, let's just go with the rest, and we'll help you!

Sasha: Y-yeah!

(y/n): I appreciate it... but what is done is done. I know it's not your fault, so please, get out of my way.

Mikasa: (y/n)...

Connie: B-but... What are you gonna do?

(y/n): I'll... I'll free Annie, and then look for Frieda... Then... I don't know.

Jean: B-but you can't free h-her! S-she attacked us, that's why she's there!

(y/n): Its... it's my fault

Sasha: But you stopped her! along with Eren!

(y/n): That's why... I... ruined it.

(y/n) remembered what Reiner had said to him some time ago, and it affected him. He began to walk down the stairs, the others stared at (y/n), trying to process what he said, besides that, they had noticed his dull (e/c) eyes, but there was also something there, something that was never there.

(y/n) made his way downstairs, but he suddenly turned around and began walking upstairs, confusing all of them even more.

Connie: W-weren't you going for A-Annie?

(y/n): Hmm... I'll come back another time... I have to... Search for another person right now.

And with that, he left.

Sasha:... You're so confusing lately, (y/n)!

She threw a small rock in the direction of (y/n), but it just hit the wall and it bounced back and it hit Connie.

Connie: Ow! Hey!

Sasha: Sorry!

Suddenly, many shouts were heard upstairs, then they turned into screams, but they were quickly silenced. This concerned the group on the stairs and they quickly went upstairs, they opened the door and saw many Scouts scattered on the floor, blood tinted on the walls, pillars, and windows, there was also hardening in the shape of spikes, with some Scouts impaled on them.

Jean: W-what happened here...?

Connie: D-id... (y/n) do this...?

Upon hearing the commotion, the group inside the room where Annie crystal was in, quickly went to check, only to find the same scene.

Levi: Tch.

Erwin: Hmm... Everyone, we'll abandon the search, we can't keep wasting time on him, let's prepare for the retake of Shiganshina. We'll clean up here and head to the Scout's headquarters

Eren: ((y/n)...? Was this... necessary?)

Everyone walked away to get some cleaning supplies, while Levi walked to one of the windows and spotted a figure in the distance walking to a horse that was tied to a tree. That figure was (y/n). With a powerful kick, Levi broke the window and jumped out of it.

Having heard the sound, (y/n) turned around and saw Levi using his ODM gear to get to him. He landed some meters behind him.

Levi: There you are, brat.

(y/n): ✌

Levi: You didn't hold back with those Scouts, huh?

(y/n): No. Why would I?

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