The First Year

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(y/n) p.o.v

In the morning I had to be woken up by Eren, I was used to be woken up by Frieda knocking on the door, and the sounds of the bells in the camp didn't wake me up, after waking up, I got dressed and then went to eat breakfast.

The bells rang again, meaning that breakfast time was over, and it was time to take an aptitude test, we went to where it was going to be taken. The test consisted of being held up by two wires on the left and right side of the waist, on a belt that resembled the ODM gear.

Shadis: We will start with the aptitude test! if you fail I will make you bait worms! and I will send you to development areas!.

Shadis picked people to go first, I was nervous about it. How am I going to balance in two wires? If you looked at Mikasa, who was calmly balancing with little to no effort,

 How am I going to balance in two wires? If you looked at Mikasa, who was calmly balancing with little to no effort,

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It would look easy for someone after seeing her easily balance, but for me, it definitely didn't look that easy.

I was then called to be wired up and lifted in the air, I walked to the wooden structure that had the wires, I stood in the middle and the wires got connected to the buckles on my belt, and I was lifted up in the air. It was wobbly for a few seconds, but I got the hang of it, unlike Eren,  I turned my head around and saw him upside down.

Shadis: what are you doing Eren Yeager?! Pick yourself up!

I saw how everyone that wasn't doing the aptitude test was looking at him, laughing at him. Some time passed and I got back down, Eren was disconnected from the wires, and the trainees that remained went to do it.


Everyone had already left the aptitude test area, but me, Mikasa, and Armin stayed to help Eren practice in getting balanced since Shadis gave him a chance to take the aptitude test tomorrow

Mikasa: you could do it if you stick to the basics. don't go forward or backward, distribute your weight on your legs and the belt.

(y/n): Mikasa is right, it gets pretty easy once you manage to get balanced.

Armin: Yeah, you just need to relax, even I made it.

Eren: okay, I think I can do it this time! Raise me, Armin!

Armin nodded and began to turn the lever, pulling Eren up, he remained 1 or 2 seconds up straight before falling headfirst onto the ground, he was then carried to the infirmary by Mikasa and Armin, he got bandages wrapped around his forehead and we then went to the dining room to eat dinner, but everyone was again looking at Eren, making fun at how he had said he would kill all the Titans but couldn't even pass the aptitude test. He looked like he was deep in thought until Mikasa brought him out of it.

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