Wrongly judged

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Narrator p.o.v

(y/n) was walking towards Lara's house as usual, but along the way, he saw a group of people protesting about something, they were saying something along with the words "Ymir" "Eldians", but he couldn't hear very well. As the curious kid, he was, he decided to go. Suddenly, a group of Marleyan guards appeared and began to aggressively arrest the Eldians, repeatedly punching and kicking them. (y/n) not wanting to be one of them, began to walk away, but a guard spotted him, and quickly walked up to him, and grabbed his arm, and yanked him forward, almost making him fall

Marley Guard: Where do you think you're going?!

(y/n): I-I-I

(y/n) was stuttering out of fear, he had heard that bad things happened to the Eldians that were captured by the Marley guards, and that's what he feared the most. He was then being taken out of the internment zone and into the port.

Lara Tybur p.o.v

I was patiently waiting for (y/n) to arrive, so I can start teaching him about medicine, today I was gonna teach him about muscles, how do they work, and what they need to work. I waited and waited, but I didn't hear any knock on the door, so I began to be a little worried, I remember when I first met him and sometimes he would have bruises when he came here. 

I heard shouts and looked outside the window, where I saw Marleyan Soldiers walking with Eldians in cuffs, I expected to see that since I could hear their protest, but what I didn't expect was seeing (y/n) being among them...

I quickly exited the house and (y/n) seemed to notice me.

(y/n): Lara!

Lara: (y/n)! What is going on here?

Marley Guard: Oh, Lady Tybur. W-well, these are all Eldian Restorationists. They're all being taken to Paradis.

(y/n): I don't know what he is talking about! I don't know those people! 

He said as some tears fell down his eyes.

I knew there was almost no way out of this since if I used my power as a Tybur, it'll be suspicious, and who knows what the other ones would think about it, so I decided to go with them.

Narrator p.o.v

As they were taking the Eldian Restorationists to the port to later being put in boats and taken to Paradis, a blonde girl was watching from afar, it was Annie, she was looking at the scene devastated, she saw how the only one she could call "friend" was being taken away. Not wanting to keep watching, she ran to the alleyway she trained (y/n), and silently cried, she wanted to do something, to stop them from taking (y/n) away, but she couldn't, and it made her feel useless to protect her friend. Some minutes passed and she calmed down and swore to herself that she wouldn't have a friendship with anyone, fearing that it would end similar that the one with (y/n), besides that she would have to go to Paradis Island in some months, and that's where she wouldn't even try to make friends.

Meanwhile, the Eldians were divided into two groups, one being with fewer people than the other, half of them would be taken to the port and into a boat to be sent to Paradis Island, and the other smaller group were taken to be publicly executed. (y/n) was in the group that was gonna be taken to Paradis, along with Ms.Tybur. 

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