The Third Year

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(y/n) p.o.v

I was with Annie as usual in the forest, talking.

Annie: so (y/n), what regiment are you going to join?

(y/n): I don't know yet, I don't know if I'm going to join the Scouts or the Garrison.

Annie: Oh, you still have some time to think about it.

(y/n): Yeah, what regiment are you going to join?

Annie: the Military Police, you should come with me, it'll be safer.

(y/n): I know, I would like to be with you but I don't want to be safe, I need to do something to help.

Annie: I know you won't change your mind, but think about it ok? or at least come visit as you do with Frieda.

(y/n): I will.

Annie: let's get going, It's about to be lunchtime.

(y/n): right.

We walked until we reached the cabin and sat down to eat with Mina and a random girl, I didn't know her name as she never said it, it was the usual talk, Mina talking about trivial things, the other girl talking with her, and Annie being cold as always, she is cold to everyone except me, she acts normal with me, just like in Marley.

After eating we went to do some training in the forest with our ODM gear, but this time we didn't have gas or blades, we had to resupply in some stations around the forest, and then we had to "kill" some dummy titans then leave, it was in teams, my team was Daz, Daz looked like an alcoholic old man, Mina, and Sasha.

After some walking around we found a base and grabbed gas and blades, we then flew through the forest, slaying the sandbag in the dummy titans nape, in the end, we managed to "kill" 13 titans which was pretty good since other teams "killed" 18-23. The whole training took 6-7 hours, it was a lot, all of the bases to resupply were very far and we had to go to them every 3 hours to resupply.

When we went to eat dinner I sat down with the same girls, it was all pretty calmed until Eren heard something from Jean and started to make a scene.

Eren: so interior life's simple and comfortable? Five years ago this place was also part of the interior.

Jean: what's your point Eren?

Eren: you're such a simpleton, you'd be comfortable wherever you go. Don't you think is crazy? learning how to kill titans just to run away from them?

Jean: you bring that up now?  this farse should be kept going for my sake if nothing else.

Eren: you damn bastard! - while saying it he got up from his seat and Jean did too.

Jean: fuck off and accept reality!

Armin: Eren stop!

Mikasa: stop this. - she got up and grabbed Eren's hand and brought it down while holding it, but then Jean grabbed Eren by his shirt.

Jean: dammit! you asshole! - he was clearly jealous that Mikasa grabbed Eren's hand.

Eren fuck you! I backed off!

Jean: I don't care I'm jealous!

Eren: what are you talking about!

Everyone was looking at the scene Jean and Eren were making.

He then made Annie's technique bringing Jean down to the ground with a loud thud.

Jean: that hurt... what was that?!

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