A New Beginning

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Narrator p.o.v

(y/n) was running for an hour or so, until he finally collapsed, transforming into a Titan and having to run large distances wasn't something he was used to. While laying on the ground, he looked around to see if there were any houses nearby, or somewhere he could rest, but there was nothing, so, he disconnected from the War-Hammer, and decided to rest inside the crystal.

 After many hours (y/n) woke up, it was now midnight, and he was now ready to keep running, he was about to break the crystal and transform again, but Ms.Tybur spoke before he could do that.

Ms.Tybur: wait (y/n), you don't need to get out of the crystal to transform again, just think of the War-Hammer and focus on making it.

(y/n): oh... this titan is so cool!

He did as Ms.Tybur told him to, he only thought about the War-Hammer, and thought about it forming in front of him. A bright light was emitted from the crystal, and the body of the War-Hammer began to form.

After it was fully formed, a cable appeared from the left foot and connected to the crystal, allowing (y/n) to control the War-Hammer, he grabbed his crystal and began to run in the same direction he was running before stopping.

He ran and after some time, he could see the walls in the distance.

(y/n): Lara, Look!

He said as he pointed towards the walls.

Ms.Tybur: Great! Now, I recommend that you do not get closer to the walls while in your Titan, it'll attract too much attention, and I don't think they'll trust a 16 meter Titan or someone that came out of the walls, but when you disconnect I suggest that you ran at the walls, you don't want to encounter a Titan while in human form.

(y/n): you're right.

(y/n) hid the Titan behind some trees and disconnected his crystal and got out from it. Then he began to sprint at the walls, luckily, there weren't any titans around, and the Soldiers at the top of the wall didn't spot him. He was now next to the huge wall.

(y/n): wait, Lara, how am I going to get through.

 Ms.Tybur: ok, now put your hand in the wall and think about the wall opening a tunnel for you to pass, then concentrate on it forming. But It'll be better if you try it at the corner of the wall, so anyone won't notice.

(y/n): Right.

 He did as Ms.Tybur told him and went to the corner of the wall, which connected to another one, and seemed way larger than the one he was next to, he raised his arm and placed his hand on the wall, and a tunnel opened in a spiral form, big enough for him to fit in, but when he entered the tunnel, he saw something that really took him a surprise

(y/n) p.o.v

I entered the tunnel and the first thing I saw, was a row of gigantic Titans, each of them was as tall as the wall, and they seemed to be a little buried underground, they didn't have any skin. I exited the tunnel as fast as I could and quickly closed it from both sides.

(y/n): Lara did you see that? why were those titans inside the wall?

Ms.Tybur: Well, those titans are actually the ones who made the wall by the command of the 145th king of Eldia, Karl Fritz. No one on the island knows about this except the royal family, so you shouldn't tell anyone about that and don't tell anybody that you have the War-Hammer or that you are from Marley since it could get you in some trouble with the royal family or the people that know about the outside world.

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