The Cadets

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Narrador p.o.v

(y/n): I want to join the Scouts.

There was only silence for a few seconds.

Frieda: What? why?!

(y/n): Because that's the reason why I am here in the first place, I am here to help.

Frieda: but it is too dangerous!

(y/n): I know, but I have the power of the War-Hammer, and not using it to help people would break a promise I made.

Rod: its ok Frieda, if he wants to die just let him, he has chosen his own fate.

(y/n): i-It's n-not that! I-It's just that I want to help, staying back seeing how I could help wouldn't be right.

Frieda: well... if that is what you want, I won't intervene. 

(y/n) could hear the sadness in her voice, he never liked to hear her voice like that.

(y/n): but don't worry Frieda!, I promise I will come here when I have the chance!. - 

He said happily with a smile.

Frieda: and I'll be waiting for you. - she was clearly more calmed.

(y/n) p.o.v

We finished eating and I headed to my room, I changed into my pajamas and heard a knock on the door, I opened it and saw Frieda.

(y/n): oh Frieda, what are you doing here?

Frieda: I want to talk.

(y/n): oh ok. - I stepped aside and Frieda entered.

Frieda: so you do you really want to join the Scouts?

(y/n): yes Frieda, I know you care about me and don't want anything bad to happen to me, but this is what I want.

Frieda: ok, I won't stop you from getting what you desire, but, may I ask why the Scouts? You could be a useful Garrison Soldier, since with your hardening, protecting the Walls will be easier, and you can even repair them.

(y/n): I know... but... I-... You're right... Maybe if I join the Garrison I could protect the Walls, and prevent another attack like in Shiganshina... but I want to do something outside the walls, as well as I could protect the Walls I can protect everyone outside... I'll rethink my choices...

Frieda: okay, you still have some time to think about it.

(y/n): yeah... if I'm honest, I'm kind of nervous about joining the Cadets.

Frieda: Why?

(y/n): I don't know If I'll be able to pass, Im sure the training will be tough, and I feel like I'm not ready to do it.

Frieda: Not with that attitude... You'll be fine. I'm sure that the stamina you need and use to make objects with your hardening is more than you will need for a day of that training. 

(y/n): But that's different, creating things with hardening is just using energy, I don't need to make a fiscal effort.

Frieda: Well, then why don't you use a gym? I don't know what kind of exercises you'll need to do but I'm sure you will figure that out. I think we have a few gym equipment lying around somewhere.

(y/n): that's a good idea, I'll start tomorrow.

Frieda: Ok then, I'll leave you now, make sure you sleep well for your training. Bye

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