I'll keep you here

Start from the beginning

Denise first raised her voice in question. Did he know her from somewhere? What did he mean by 'typical'?

She followed, panting behind him. He's movement ascended into small jog. The pace looked reasonable but it was enough to make Denise burn enough calories. She was literally running. Although she still wanted to wipe her body, she gave up and followed him closely, lest he got annoyed and killed her.

She had wiped her ear and thighs so much that they hurt and the tender skin almost peeled. She hoped to find some water at wherever they went.

As she ran, she had a good view of the magnificence of the wolf.

The gray wolves are the largest among the wolves. They are sociable and live in relatively large packs. Wolves do not freely attack humans because they aren't familiar with them, but if provoked or not afraid, they can easily attack and kill——nothing like ordinary dogs. They also happen to be territorial.

Denise went through all she knew about wolves. If all the wolves in his pack were against her, she'd have to devise a way to escape before they can even meet. In a pack they could be invincible, who knew when one of them would try to swallow her whole?

"Hey! Hey," she called from behind, "slow down."

He gave her a side glance before picking up his pace sending him further and further away from her.

"Yeah! Thanks," she said in a flat tone. Then slowed down hoping that he'd go far, she'd get lost and somehow manage to get out of the damned forest.

She wasn't a nature fun. She was the type that liked to look at nature on the National Geographic channel from the comfort of her living room or in a car as she passed by on a well maintained road. She hated the fact that she was all alone, in the wild, with all kinds of insects. She got goosebumps at that thought.

She stopped walking completely and bent over, with her hands on her knees. By the time she raised her head, there was no sign of him anywhere.

'Where am I?'

Thick tall trees. No shrubs. No climbing plants. Wide crowns? Except the Amazon forest, she couldn't relate this one to any forest. It was extremely silent, not even birds or small animals could be heard.

Denise thought, 'I'm sure I was just in my room, then I'm here- that means I've been teleported? To a place with werewolves? A werewolf that is large wouldn't be unnoticeable especially since it's not afraid to approach humans.'

If it were her world, it would have been found and put in a zoo with a sign 'World's largest Wolf.' It would also be recorded in the world book of records. And by the fact that it could transform into a human, it would just be put in a lab all together for 'observation'.

She thought, 'he said something about clans. There might be werewolf clans or something. Maybe if I ask about a human clan I'll be able to get-,'

BARK! A loud resounding bark dragged her out of her thoughts. She flinched before she faced the perpetrator, standing a distance from her.

She raised her hands in surrender and denied, "I'm not trying to run away. I was just catching my breath." She rubbed her neck anxiously and that was when she remembered the small open wound. Quickly, she wiped it with some tissue and tied her handkerchief over it.

"But I'm not running anymore," she walked towards him, "so please slow down."

They kept moving for a very long distance- honestly it was quite far. Denise tried to endure but she felt heavily drained. Once the shock and fear washed away, all that was left was fatigue. She felt like she had lifted a fifty-kilogram block, run a mile and hiked up a mountain at the same time.

Hence forth, they had actually walked a small distance but she was already grumbling. Her grumbles turned into questions about distance. Then she loudly complained and would only stop complaining when he snarled at her.

"Can't you just carry me or something? I swear my legs are hurting?" She complained.

He scoffed. Give her a back ride as who? Did she think that he was part of the horse clan?

What Denise didn't know was that riding on the back of a carnivore, especially big cats and dogs was considered a huge honor. They'd rather drag a wounded person to sanctuary than have them ride on their back.

It wasn't even done for cubs because they could just be carried by mouth. It was done for those who were greatly respected or had a ground breaking emotional attachment. Otherwise, dream on.

At some point, Denise gave up on complaining and sat down which earned her a bark that got her walking. After walking for miles, they finally came to the entrance of a cave.

When she saw him slow down to a halt, she slumped onto the ground. "Is this it?"she looked around, "I'll die if we have to walk another mile to your pack."

He morphed back, "Don't try to escape. Don't bother me." He disappeared into the dark cave.

Denise simply nodded then she laid down on her back and faced the foliage. The small bits of sunlight that spilled through made it appear like stars against a not so dark sky. She yawned.

The place they went to was a lot brighter than where she had appeared, making her realize that it wouldn't be dark so soon.

Denise only realized she had slept off when she felt a light kick to her chest. She scooted away from the pain and opened her eyes, irritated. Only to see a large hind leg headed for her face. She jumped out of the way just in time for it to swing by, barely missing her.


Amitābha  ; according to the scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism 'Amitābha' means "Infinite Light"

helicopters ; when men don't put on sufficient underwear and do vigorous activities, their **** move around a lot. Some groups of people refer to that motion as helicopters.

A/N; (present) this author hopes the baby who complained about the author's notes being everywhere will appreciate my move to keep all of them at the bottom.

A/N; yay! This author also got this book added to another reading list and in the same week. This is amazing. Yeyah! I'm seriously on cloud nine. I could just- I could just EXPLODE!

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