Noelle: we had too you were gonna eat all the cake and you weren't cooperating so we had to.

Susie: But Kris didn't need to put the duck tape over my mouth!

Kris: I did actually, if I didn't you would make us stay there by not agreeing to go.

Susie: Whatever, i'm going to think whilst looking at the ocean. Alone.

Noelle: (I should talk to her) Susie! wait!

Undyne: I'm going to go to see if I can swim in the ocean as I am technically a fish, I just hope the water is warm. 

Sans: Papyrus let's go sit on a bench, i need to talk to you about something.

Papyrus: Oh ok, lead the way.

Kris: HB53 is there a bit of this island that doesn't have sand? I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.

HB53: Yes there is, when you get to the sand go right and if you keep going you should start to see the pebbles but if you decide to go into the water it is cold so I gave you your warning.

Kris: Thank you, i'll be at the pebble beach if anyone needs me.

Ralsei: That leaves us two then Toriel, this is lucky because i need to talk to you about something let's find somewhere to sit.

Toriel: Oh ok, let's go.

With everyone gone in different directions, this story will probably be another long one as everyone is going to have their own section for talking, so let's start with Susie and Noelle as I think we've been focusing on Kris and Ralsei for too long. Don't worry I will get to everyone this chapter might be extra long tho, so strap in for the long ride it's going to be fun. 

Susie and Noelle:

Susie: I said to not follow me.

Noelle: I know but I think we should talk.

Susie: Look it's fine ok, I wanted to stay at bakery island but i only listened to what i wanted and not everyone else wanted.

Noelle: When we're done with the tour we can go back if you want.

Susie: I would like that. What else did you want to talk about?

Noelle: Well, our relationship.

Susie: What?

Noelle: Well, we are great friends and I would like to keep it that way but i've started to have feelings like that again but more.

Susie: How long have you felt like that?

Noelle: I've been feeling like it before we came here even when we were in cybers world. I just want to say. I like you Susie, like, like like you.

Susie: Really?

Noelle: I knew I shouldn't have said anything! now you think i'm stupid don't you! ahhh! I'm so dumb!

Susie: Shush Noelle, I, like like you too.

Noelle: You do!?

Susie: Yeah ever since that big Ferris wheel we went on in cybers world, i've started to have feelings as well.

Noelle: Can I, hug you?

Susie: Hmm, i'll allow it this one time.

Noelle: Thank you Susie! and thank you for that plushie! i've still got it.

Susie: Yeah you better! I spent so long on that damn machine, i'm not going back.

Noelle: Hehe, don't worry I won't. (That went better than I thought.)

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