Azriel and Y/N - Pregnancy Part 2

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I was walking home with Nesta and Feyre; we'd just finished getting some last-minute baby things, like some extra clothes, a unique pillow that helps with nursing, stuff like that. Both Feyre and Nesta helped me carry the many bags full of baby things.

"I can't wait to have my body back." I joked with my two friends, "My back is absolutely killing me, and I can't see my feet anymore; Azriel seems to find it hilarious watching me try to put my shoes on." Both of the females laughed, "Rhys was the same. He would laugh himself hoarse watching me try to put my shoes on; or pick up a pen that I dropped by mistake." I couldn't help but laugh. "Cassian seemed to find it funny watching me try to get out of bed, but after I threatened to choke off his favourite part off, he'd stop laughing and rush to help me." My side was beginning to hurt now from all the laughing. 

"What are you most excited for, Y/N." Questioned my sister-in-law; I thought about it for a second before answering, "I can't wait to see Azzy hold the baby. Did you know he's been practising how to swaddle a baby with wings," I giggled, "he's also been asking Madja for tips about how to make sure you've put the nappy on right and things like that." Feyre and Nesta 'awwed'; It made my heart warm at the thought of Azriel and our baby together.

The girls and I walked and talked the whole way back to the House of Wind. I was telling them some baby names that I liked but likely wouldn't use. When we made it back home, I headed into the lounge; there, I saw both Azriel and Cassian eating lunch, "Back so soon, love?" Joked my mate. I walked over to him and kissed the top of his head; he generally rubbed my belly, feeling our child kick and wriggle about. "Baby's very active today." I signed, taking a seat next to him. He had a slight look of concern, but when I smiled at him before turning to grab a bowl of soup and some bread, he seemed to be alright. "How much stuff did you buy today?" Asked my brother, "Not nearly as much as I thought we'd buy. But I think we're officially ready for when this baby comes." I said, smiling and rubbing my belly. 

Cassian and Rhys have been lots of help for Azriel and me; our whole family were, but I knew how much it meant to Az to have help with building the baby crib or helping him move the furniture around in the baby's room. That was usually because I'd go in there often and not like how it looked, but the stuff always ended up back in the same place as before. "Nesta said she wanted to see you in the library for something... I didn't dare ask why." I chuckled; Cassian had a big grin on his face when saying, "Well, I guess I'll take my leave. See you two later." He patted Azriel on the shoulder as he left the room.


I'd gone to bed not feeling very well; my back felt like it was about to snap, and my feet were throbbing; I also felt sick. I didn't tell Azriel; he was already worrying about the baby and me, even though I've told him not to. 

I was woken up by a sharp pain shooting down my abdomen; it shocked me at first because it felt kind of like a cramp you'd get on your cycle, but when it came back stronger five minutes later, I knew I had to wake Azriel.

I sat up, uncurling his arms from around me slightly, "Azriel?" I whispered while shaking his shoulder. He groaned in his sleep but didn't wake. "Azriel," I said louder this time. Still nothing. I shook him even harder and shouted, "Azriel!" He woke up suddenly, his hand shot up to under his pillow and took out Truth-Teller. "What? What's wrong?" He sat up quickly, surveying the room for threats. "I think I'm having contractions." I groaned, feeling another pain. His face paled, "Shit! Ok! I'll wake Cassian so he can get Madja." He sprinted out the door, the sound of his footsteps thundering down the hall as he ran. 


Azriel's POV - 

Our whole family were here, apart from Amren, who was in the Summer Court with Varian. I was sat next to Y/N, holding her hand as another contraction hit her. She cried out and squeezed my hand hard; I didn't complain. Sweat was beading my mate's forehead, she was in so much pain, and I couldn't do anything to help; I felt utterly useless. 

My brothers sat in the lounge, watching over their children while their mates were helping my mate. "Azriel, can you hold her leg for me? Feyre, can you hold the other, please." I took Y/N's left leg and held it while Feyre did the same with her right. "I'm just going to see how far you got left to go, Y/N. This might hurt a little." As Madja examined her, I heard Y/N whimper in pain, "I know, but I promise I'll be finished soon." 

"I just want this over now." Whispered my love. She was exhausted, and she still wasn't fully dilated. "I know, love. But soon, we'll get to see our child. Not much longer now." She sniffed and nodded her head. 


Y/N's POV - 

It was time. "When you're ready, Y/N. Push as hard as you can." I nodded and started doing as she said. The pain was unbelievable. I was told childbirth was similar to your cycle pains, but Mother Above was that a lie! It was way worse and exhausting.

Azriel was holding my leg and my hand; I was surprised he hadn't complained about how hard I was squeezing it, but at this moment, I honestly couldn't care less. Azriel whispered words of encouragement into my ear and kissed my sweaty brow. Feyre held onto my other leg, and Nesta brought over a glass for me to sip; it was ice cold. "You're doing wonderfully, my love." Gushed Azriel, I gave him a simple smile and went back to pushing.  

I could feel so much pressure, but after one more push, it was gone, and I felt something slip out. It startled me for a moment before I heard a soft cry. Azriel gasped and kissed my forehead, "You did it, love! Look down." I did as he said, and sure enough, there was our baby. "Holy shit," I whispered, "We're parents, Azzy!" I exclaimed. Madja placed the very pink babe onto my chest, and I broke down in tears; so did Azriel. "You have a daughter." Announced the healer. "A little girl." I looked to my mate, "We have a little girl." He kissed my lips and then kissed our daughter on the head. The love I felt in this moment was too hard to explain. It felt pure and overwhelming at once. 

She was perfect. Her hair was black and had soft curls, her eyes were blue at the moment but would likely change to hazel or brown in a few weeks or months. She was just the right combination of both Azriel and me, "She's beautiful." I smiled down at my daughter and imagined the life I couldn't wait to share with her.


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~ A/N ~

Ommmmgggggg! They have a baby! Not even joking when I say I could cry... I hope you all enjoyed this upload; I think I'll do one more part of this, and then it'll be done. If you want to leave suggestions, then please do! Oh, and baby girl name ideas! I haven't got the foggiest what to call her...

I hope you all have a lovely day!

Holly x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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