Tarquin and Y/N - Part 1

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There was a meeting called by one of the High Lords who wanted to discuss some important matters, you were asked if you'd like to come along, you of course said yes. So now you and your family were heading to the Dawn Court, to meet the other High Lords and the people they brought with them. 

It was your first time in Dawn so you were very excited. Your first impressions of the Court, was that it was stunning, beautiful even... although nothing could compare to the beauty of Velaris. When you all winnowed in, you were met by a High Fae, he said he'd be leading you to the meeting room.

When you got there, some others had already arrived and had been waiting. The Summer Court, Winter Court and Day Court, where the first to arrive. The Inner Circle greeted them and introduced you. This was also your first time meeting Tarquin and Cresseida, you'd already met Varian. 

The first thought you had about Tarquin was that he was one of the most beautiful males, you'd ever had the pleasure of meeting, and his eyes looked like crystals. When the both of you looked at each other, Tarquin looked shocked for a moment, but quickly changed his face to look neutral. You didn't know what happened. "Hello Y/N. Its good to finally meet you." You smiled and said, "Its good to meet you to." He seemed pleased with your response.

The whole way through the meeting you felt like someone was watching you. When you looked around the circular table, you caught Tarquin looking at you, when he saw you looking at him he quickly looked away. Did I do something wrong? You thought. 

"Your all welcome to stay the night. We did prepare rooms for you all." Everyone agreed to stay, exept Beron, he was still awkward and stubbon bastard as always. When you were all led to your rooms, you went and had a bath. You didn't realise just how warm it was in Dawn, it didn't help that it was Summer time. 

"I think I'll go for a walk." You said to no one in particular. "Alright, but be careful. Don't forget to try and stay away from Tamlin." Replied your brother Cassian. "Yes yes, I know." You then walked out the door, exploring the palace. 

You were exploring the gardens when you came across Tarquin, Varian and Cresseida. "Hey Y/N. What you doing out here alone?" Asked Varian, "Won't your brother be worried?" You gave him a face that pretty much said, like hes going to stop me from going out on my own, they chuckled. You were about to walk away when Tarquin said, "Do you fancy going down to the town?" You smiled and nodded in a reply, and the both of you headed in the direction to the near by town.

"Tell me about yourself, Y/N." You were both sat on a bench, eating some sort of chocolatey treat you'd never had before. "Well, Cassian is my older brother-" Tarquin choked on his food and turned to you, "What?! Cassian... is your brother?" You laughed at his reaction. "Yep. Hes my big brother. I met him and Azriel about a year ago now, we have the same father." Tarquin was still going through about ten different stages of shock. "They saved me." 

"What do you mean they saved you?" He asked. "The Illyrians have some really horrible traditions. One of them being, once a female has started her first... cycle... they clipped her wings, so she can't fly anymore. They think it helps with 'breeding'-" You took a breath and carried on, "My brothers saved me from having my wings clipped. I was chased and caught by some males, they were about to clip me when Cass and Az showed up and took me to safety. That was when I found out he was my brother." When you looked back over to him, he had a soft expression on his face, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Y/N." You gave him another smile.

"I had a lovely time with you. Maybe we can do it again sometime... if you want to that is?" Tarquin was looked at his feet whith a nervous expression. "I had a lovely time to, I'd love to see you again. You could come to Velaris and I can show you my favourite place!" Tarquin was smiling ear to ear, and so were you. You were about to say goodbye, when the door opened.

"Y/N, I thought I heard your voice-" Cassian had opened the door and was now looking straight at Tarquin, as if assessing what hes just stumbled appon. "Tarquin... hello. Did you come to speak to Feyre and Rhys?" He was trying to hide his cheeky grin, and he wasn't doing so well at it. "Ah- I- Um... I was just walking Y/N back." Cassian folded his arms and looked to you. "Is that so?" And then looked back to Tarquin, "You know, I have been meaning to speak to you-" Tarquin was now folding his arms, "Oh really?" You had no idea what the fuck was going on, but you couldn't stop watching. "Yes I was wondering when you were going to lift my ban?" 

Cassian had a shit eating grin on his face. "That would be never. You destroyed a build in my Court, why would you think I'd lift the ban?" You gasped at the meantion of the building. "It was one building!" Exclamed Cassian, "You destroyed a building?!" Cassian chuckled, "Just one." Was his simple answer. "Cassian just go back inside." He gave you and Tarquin a look as if to say, I'll be listening, he'd now decided to turn protective big brother mode on. You said a quick goodbye to Tarquin and told him to send you a letter when he was available to meet.

When you walked back inside all eyes were on you, you knew straight away that Cassian had blabbed to them all. You just ignored their questions and headed to your room. Changing into you night clothes, you saw a letter appear on your night stand. You opened it and saw it was from Tarquin.

Dear Y/N,

I had a lovely time with you today and wanted to thank you for taking the time out of your exploring to accompany me. I very much look forwards to seeing you again.

Best wishes,


You couldn't help but smile. You replayed the day on repeat until you fell into a very deep sleep. The last thought you had was why has Tarquin taken such an intressed in you. But also, why did he react the way he did when you first met him and during the meeting. You decided you'd ask him the next time you see him.

~ A/N ~

Hello everyone! 

Sorry this part took so long, I was finding it a little differcult to write. 

I hope your all doing well!

Holly x

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