"You're my mate." Part 1

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You were born in the Illyrian camps. Your life there was miserable to say the least. Being a female and living in the camps was hard enough, but being a bastard and growing up with out parents, made it worse. You were seen as the lowest rankers in the whole camp. 

It wasn't till you found out you had an older half brother, did things start to get better. You see when your first cycle came, you were with the other females doing chores. A male scented the blood and told you to come with him. You refused and ran, as fast as you could. You'd be damned if they tried to clip your wings. Unfortunatly when you started to fly, another male caught you.

You were tied down, when two tall Illyrian males came towards you and the males who were just about to clip your beloved wings. "What the hells going on here?" Questioned the one with black shoulder length hair. "She's just got her first cycle General... we were about to clip-" the other male who came in the General cut off the male who caught me, "You know the High Lord has banned that act! Let her go!" 

"Are you ok?" Asked the General. They took me to a house and gave me clean clothes. "I-uh... Thank you General. I'm fine." The General looked at you with soft eyes. "Were called a healer to come and treat you. You have some pretty nasty cuts and bruises." It was true. When the males caught you, they beat the living day-lights out of you. You had cuts all over your body, the same with bruises to. You also knew you had a broken arm and nose.

"Why are you helping me?" You asked. The other male in the house looked at the General. "My spies found some infomation about you-" You looked him straight in the eyes. He seemed shocked at something, but you didn't know what. Maybe the males beat you so badly that you were a horror to look at. "Information?" You started to panic. "I promise I've never done anything wrong! I-I-" You began to shake violently. "We know. You're not in trouble." You didn't realise how tense your body had went until your shoulders relaxed and you felt them ache. "Then what do you mean?"

The General sighed. "Just try to keep an open mind about this... ok?" You nodded in a relpy. "You're my younger half-sister. Azriel's shadows told him the last time he was here that you are my sister." It was safe to say... you were shocked, to the core. "What?" You asked. "You're my sister. We share the same dick of a father. We, me and Az that is, are here to ask if you would like to come live with us-" You could tell the General was nervous, his hands were shaking and he wouldn't look into your eyes. "In Velaris?" He nodded. "I-well-um. You didn't tell me your name." That was when both males looked at you properly. "I'm Cassian, and this is Azriel. His the Spymaster for the Night Court and a Shadowsinger. I'm the General of the High Lords armies." The way he said all that made you want to chuckle at how normal he made it all sound. "Ok. I'll come with you." 

The males asked if there was anything you needed to bring with you, when you said you didn't own anything but the clothes on your back, it made both males go stiff. They also asked if there was anyone you wanted to say goodbye to, you just said no. You took one of Azriel's brutelly scarred hands, Cassian took the other. Then you travelled through shadow and darkness. 

Within a second you were greeted with sun shine. You turned around and was faced with a massive building. "We're going up there." Spoke Cassian. "Just follow us, this place is warded against winnowing so we have to fly up." You nodded and then the three of you made you way up to the place Cassian and Azriel called 'The House'. You landed on the balcony of 'The House' and instantly heard laughter coming from inside.

Cassian leaded you in, while Azriel stayed behind you a few steps. When you about to walk in, you heard someone shushing another person who was talking. "Y/N, this is the Inner Circle. Over there-" he pointed to a bloned haired female who was drinking wine, next to a short black haired female, "is Morrigan, but she likes to be called Mor, and Amren." You'd heard storied of these two females. Amren being the story parents would tell their kids when they weren't behaving and Morrigan, she was the story of a powerful and strong female... she was an insperation to you. " And over there is the High Lord and Lady, Rhysand and Feyre." You dipped your head to the High Lord and Lady out of respect.

"Its nice to meet you Y/N. Please just call us Rhys and Feyre." Greeted Rhys, he gave you a sweet smile and so did his mate. "Its nice to meet you to." You said, hiding slightly behind Cassian. "Were are Nesta and Elain?" Asked Cassian. "Their running late. Nesta said to start dinner without them." Said Feyre, rolling her eyes thing chuckling. "That mate of yours Cass, she's always training." You looked to Cassian and said, "You didn't tell me you had a mate..." Cassian turned to look at you, "I wanted to introduce the both of you first. Now how about i take you to your room, Mor left some clothes for you to wear on your bed." 

And with that, Cassian led you to the room you'd be staying in. "Everything in here is yours. There's a bathroom through that door to your right and a balcomy to your left. If you like Az, Mor and I can take you out into the city tomorrow so you can get more clothes and start decorating?" You could tell he was trying his hardest to make you feel comfortable. "I'd like that thank you." Cassian's face lit up when you said that, "Great! Well I'll leave you to get freshoned up and dressed. When your done come join us in the dining room, dinners in-" He looked at the grand clock in the hall way, " an hour and fifty minutes." I nodded and he took that as his cue to leave. 

Your room was clean and massive. The bed was big enough for the wings and if had soft silk bedding. The bathroom was large to. You'd decided to have a bath, so you started running the bath water. While the bath was filling up, you looked into the mirror that was above the sink. This was the first time you'd seen your face since you were little. You'd seen a mirror in a shop window once and that was the first time you saw your face. A lot had changed since then, you still had the raven black hair and light hazel eyes, but everything seemed to have changed. Your body had filled out more, dispite not eating much anyway. You'd developed breasts and larger hips. You no longer had a childs body... you had an adults body.

After having a bath and getting changed you made you way down to the dining room. Laugher again filtered its way out and it made you feel slighly at ease. You had a brother... you never thought you'd ever have a sibling, but now you did. You straightened out your, simple but beautiful dress out, and then turned the door handle. You saw everyone who was there before, plus two other females. "Y/N! Come over here and meet Nesta." Cassian introduced you to the other two females, who were the High Ladies older sisters. 

That night was filled with laugher and the Inner Circle embarresing Cassian and his 'brothers'. Cassian explained how close he was to Rhys and Azriel. You were glad he had them. For the first time in your life you felt a sense of belonging. 

~ A/N ~

Hello! Sorry for not updating in a while, I was having a little trouble coming up with another headcon! 

If you have anything you would like me to try and write about then let me know and I'll do my best! 

"You're my mate." is going to have another part. I'm giving this a little go because I'm thinking about writing a fanfic...

Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I did reread it a lot but sometimes some slip under the radar.

Hope you all are having a lovely day!

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