Eris and Y/N - Part 1

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You'd met Eris Under the Mountain. At first he came across as this heartless male who was out to make everyones life a misery, expect for yours. The first time you met him was when an Attor had dragged you in by the hair and threw you to Amaratha's feet. "This female-" spat the Attor, "Was found on the border of the Winter Court, helping people to cross from Autumn to Winter." You didn't dare look up to the female you were thrown at. "What is your name?" Asked the female. "Y/N." Amaratha lifted your chin with a finger and said, "Stand up you pathetic little bitch." You stood, not wanting to be her next play thing to torture. The female looked you up and down and then said, "Throw her into a cell. I want to find out what she knows about the Autumn and Winter Courts." 

When the Attor grabbed you be the hair and began to drag you, you made eye contact with the High Lord of Autumns eldest son, Eris. His expression was utter shock when the contact was made. It confused you, and he could tell it did. "Move female!" Barked the Attor. You could of sworen there was pure anger in Eris's eyes at how the Attor spoke to you and handled you. 

After being thrown into a cell that was dark and incredibly damp, you were left on your own. You couldn't help the tears that fell from your eyes, you cried so hard that you gave yourself a headache. "Y/N?" Came a voice from behind your cell door. "Whos there?" You just managed to gasp out. "That doesn't matter right now. I just came to see if you were ok. And to give you this." For a second you were confused, Give me what? You thought. That was when you saw a plate of bread and cheese being pushed carefully under the cell door. "T-Thank you." You sobbed. "I'll try and bring some more when I find a moment to slip in. I can't stay for any longer." You took the food from the plate and said, "Here take the plate, they'll get suspicious if they find it here. Oh and what's you name? I'd like to thank you properly." You could hear him take a sharpe breath in as he took the plate, "I-um... Eris. My name is Eris." For a moment you didn't know what to say, but your parents always told you to thank people who have done something nice for you, "Well... Eris. Thank you." 

Fifty-years later... 

You heard foot steps heading towards your door. "Y/N?" It was Eris. "Hello Eris." You then heard what seemed to be a jingling sound... keys. There was a click and then your door was being opened. The slight light that came towards you felt harsh to your eyes, you haven't seen light in years. "Amarantha has been defeated Y/N. We're all free to leave." When your eyes finally adjusted to the light, you saw Eris's face for the first time in fifty-years. Since the first time he came to your cell to feed you, he'd kept doing it. He would come at the same time, almost everyday to bring you food and to talk to you. He'd inform you about what was going on in the world, "Feyre saved us?" You asked. "Yes Feyre saved us all. But theres something I want to tell you." Eris reached out to help you stand , one hand in your and the other around your waist, keeping you up right. It felt like sparks were flying threw your body. "I haven't been completely honest with you..." 

Eris didn't say much after helping you up. Although he did take you to what you guested to be his chambers Under the Moutain. There he lead you to his bathroom where a bath had been running. He put his hand in the bath, testing how hot it was. "I thought you would want to warm up a bit first, my mother has selected clothes for you there on the chair by the vanity along with a hair brush." He went through all this trouble so you could finally have your first bath since before arriving here. "After you have freshened up, I'd like to talk to you about something." You nodded in answer and that was when he decided to leave you to get ready.After peeling of the clothes and slipping into the bath, you sat and pondered. You thought back to one of the recent-ish visits Eris and yourself had. 

Tears were running down your face when you heard a voice, "Y/N?" It was Eris. "Oh... hey." You heard some shuffling and then saw a shadow next to your door, coming through the gap at the bottom. "Why are you crying?" You wiped away a tear and sniffed, "I just don't think I'm ever getting out of here." That was when you saw a pale hand come underneath the door. Eris's hand. "Take my hand." You did as you were told. He was trying to find away to comfort you. "You'll get out of here Y/N. I know you will, and when you do I'll take you to see the sun setting." He knew you loved to see the sunrise and set, because you had told him after talking about things you both miss since being Under the Moutain. "Can we have chocolate cake and wine whiles watching?" You felt his thumb rub gently, rubbing soothing circles. "Of course! It wouldn't be right otherwise." You both chuckled. "Thank you Eris. If it wasn't for you... I think I would of died many years ago. You keep reminding me I have something to fight for." 

You heard a knock at the bathroom door. "Y/N are you ok? You've been in there for a few hours." You pulled the plug in the bath and said, "Sorry! I'll be out soon Eris... just need to get changed!" You heard him reply with an ok and then heard his foot steps go away from the door. He seems nervous for some reason, you thought to yourself. After changing into the dress that was left there and brushed your hair, you left the bathroom. You fsaw Eris sat on the sofa in front of the fire place. You took the seat next to him. "There was something you wanted to tell me?" Eris, not realising you had sat next to him, jumped a little. "Ah... um yes... there was." He stood and took you hand, "Follow me."

Eris took you over to the balcony... "I thought you'd like to watch the sun setting whiles I tell you..." He was acting strangly, but not in a bad way. Then he handed you a plate of, "Chocolate cake!" You squealed. He chuckled, "Yes, you can't watch it with out cake and-" He handed you a glass of, "Wine." You eagerly took your first sip of wine and hummed at the taste. "Now what was it you wanted to tell me." You rested your head on his shoulder and took a bite of cake. "Well, Y/N... Like I said earlier I havn't been all to honest with you. You stopped eating and looked at him. "What do you mean?" He took a deep breath... "The day I first saw you... The day you were dragged from Amarantha's feet and were being taken to your cell... We made eye contact-" You thought back and indeed you both did, "I felt the mating bond... click into place. Y/N, You're my mate..." 

~ A/N ~

Hello everyone! 

I hope you're all doing well!

Here is the first part of the Eris and Y/N mating bond... thingy. I never know what to call this.

I'm going to do the Tarquin one after! But I dont know how long this one will be... my guess is three parts.

Anyway... I hope you all have a lovely day!

Holly x

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