Eris and Y/N - Part 2

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Warning! This has mention of Tortoure!  I just was to give you all a little heads up.

"What?" You asked in shock. "You're my mate." Repeated Eris, looking very worried. My mate? I have a mate?! You thought to yourself. "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked again, taking a step away from him. Eris looked as if he wanted to reach out and have you right beside him, but decided against it. "I was afraid you'd reject me. I know my... reputation around Prythian isn't good. I also know you knew about it to, I didn't want you to make a sudden decision with out getting to know me... the real me. Plus I was also shocked and was still trying to get it into my head that I'd found you." Your mouth was gaped open. It was true that you had heard about Eris and his family, you knew he had quite the reputation for being, well for being a bastard! 

"Is that why you came to my cell?" You asked, still completely dumb founded. "Yes and no. I wanted to get to know you and be close to you. I also wanted to make sure wou were ok... or as ok as you could be. I know what she did to you, Y/N. Or at least some parts, and I'm so sorry." You could see tears in his eyes. Memories of what Amarantha and her cronies did to you flashed before your eyes...

All I could hear was a dripping noise. After being dragged into the torture chamber by the Attor, you'd been left for a while, changed up so your hands where streached high above your head, and you had to stand on your tip toes. "Well, well. Hello again, Y/N." Said a venomous voice, Amarantha. "What the fuck do you want?" You spat back. "Thats no way to reach an old friend. I thought we grew close Y/N. I'm hurt by the way you speak to me." She faked being hurt. Then you heard a whistling sound and then felt a sharp pain going down your back. A whip. You chied out in pain and thrashed in your restriants. "STOP! PLEASE STOP!" You begged. "I'll stop when you finally tell me why you were helping the people from Autumn cross into Winter!" Shrieked the bitch. "I already told you! The town was being burned and I was helping the females and younglings cross, thats when your Attor found me!" Again you felt the whip come hard and sharp on your back. "You're lying!" Then there was another whip and another and another. You vision was going blurry, "Please stop." You gasped out.

"Y/N?" You felt hands on your shoulders and someone was shaking you. "Its ok! You're ok!" You opened your eyes to see Eris... and you were laying on a bed. "What happened?" You grumbled out, your hand moving to your head which was now pounding. "You went quiet and then colapsed... Its all my fault, I shouldn't of told you so soon." Said Eris. You slapped him with the little strength you had, "Don't fucking say that! I have every right to know! If you'd waited longer to tell me, then I'd be more pissed off!" You said telling him off. "I know. I'm sorry." You looked up at him and saw that his eyes were red, "Have you been crying?" Moving your hand up to his cheek and strocking it with your thumb. The action shocked him and little and then he nodded. "Why?" He took a shuddering breath, "Because when you fainted, I thought it was my fault, that I put to much on you. I'm also terrified that you will... reject me." You gave him a weak smile, "I'm not rejecting you Eris... unless you don't want to-" Your words were suddenly cut of by Eris smashing his lips on to yours in a possesive kiss. "Of course I want you. You're my whole world Y/N." 

After Eris kissed you, you went back over to the cake that was left outside. Cutting a slice and then placing it on a plate, you handed it to him. "Eat Eris." He looked at you with the brightest smile you'd ever seen. He ate the cake so fast, you could of swore he pretty much inhaled it! Later that night Eris and you spent the whole night... well month, tangled in each others arms, touching, licking, fucking and inhaling each other. You didn't care about what everyone else in Prythian thought of him, you knew the real him. Which was loving, caring and extremely protective and possesive... which you loved. He would take you on dates, and buy your favourite flowers. He would shower you in presents, even after being told by you that you didn't need them. You both spoke about what happened Under the Moutain, and he would listen to the stories you told him after working up more currage. When you had nightmares, he'd hold you close and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, he would take about the future you were both planning together, the children you both wanted to have and more. 

"I love you Y/N. I always will." You cuddled close up to him and rested your head on his chest, drawing lines up to his collar bones and back down to his belly button. "I love you too Eris."

~ A/N ~

Hello everyone!

Sorry of these aren't very good... I'm still learning...

I think the next one will be Tarquin! I was just wondering... would you like me to write about an Azriel and Y/N pregnancy? and birth? I'd like to write one but I thought I'd check with you guys?

Hope you all have a lovely day!

Holly x

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