Azriel and Y/N - Pregnancy

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This takes place ten years after "You're my mate." Azriel and Y/N have been trying to get pregnant and start their family five years after they mated.


I was woken up by the intense feeling of needing to throw up. Sitting up slowly, I looked to the side of me. Azriel, my mate, was peacefully sleeping. I got up from bed and quickly made my way to the bathroom. I made it just in time before I threw up. 

Azriel, of course, woke up straight away when hearing me be sick, no matter how quiet I tried to be. "My love? Is everything ok?" He opened the bathroom door and saw me kneeling in front of the toilet. "Y/N? Is everything ok?" I could hear the panic in his voice. "I'm fine, Azzy. I feel sick, that's all." I flushed the toilet and prepared for the next round. Azriel, Cauldron bless him, held my hair back and rubbed soothing circles on my back.

When I finally felt like the nausea had subsided, I flushed the toilet again after wiping my mouth. "Let's get you back to bed, love." I nodded, and he helped me up, and we walked slowly to our bed. My mate went to the bathroom again and brought me a glass of cold water, and left it on my bedside table. "Do you think..." I started to question if maybe it had finally happened. "Do I think what, love?" I sighed and turned to face him. "Has... has my scent changed?" A small part of me was hopeful that It'd finally happened, but we've been here before. I'd get my hopes up, just for them to be crushed. 

Azriel came closer to me and inhaled deeply. He bit his lip and shook his head, "Not yet, love." I nodded and sighed heavily again. "When will it happen, Azriel. We've been trying for almost six-year. Is something wrong with me?"I questioned. Azriel brought me into his chest and held me close, "It happened so quickly for Feyre and Rhys. Why is it taking us so long?" My voice shook, and I began to cry into my mate's shoulder. 

"It will happen, Y/N. And there is nothing wrong with you, do you understand? Sometimes it just takes a little longer for some people." I shuddered with another sob, "I just want us to have a child, Azriel." His arms instantly held me tighter. "I know, so do I. There's nothing more I want than to see you holding our child. But we have to be patient; it will happen one day." His voice was thick with sleep and emotion. I cried myself to sleep in Azriel's arms. He never once let me go, and when I woke up the next morning, I was still entangled with him. 


One week later - 

I was sitting in the library in the House of Wind reading a book about a girl who fell into a rabbit hole. Azriel, Rhys and my half brother Cassian were training, so I decided to take this moment of quiet to sit alone and just read and eat chocolate cookies. I loved being around my family, but sometimes I liked to be alone for a while.

I don't know how long I sat there for; my tea had gone cold, though, so I could guess it was a while. I heard them before I saw them. Azriel, Rhys and Cass were done with training and were headed into the library. I picked up my plate of cookies and placed them on my lap, I knew Cassian would try to steal them, but they were mine and mine only.

"So I said to Nesta-" The door opened, and I heard the three of them step into the library and then stop suddenly. I picked up another cookie, trying to ignore them, and took a bite out of it. "Holy shit." Whisper both Cassian and Rhys, both at the same time. This made me look up, and I soon saw them looking at me. "Oh, what now." I scoffed, "Let me eat my cookies in pieces, will you!" I was about to stand up and walk swiftly out of this room, but a poof of shadows appeared in front of me; Azriel had travelled through his shadows and was now standing in front of me, mouth gaped open. 

"You know you'll catch flies with your mouth wide open like that." I was beginning to get very irritated. Azriel knelt in front of me and placed his hand on my face. "My love," Silver-lined his eyes, "You're pregnant." I broke down in tears, smiling to my ears. "Really? You're sure?" He nodded, and I leaned in and kissed him. When we broke apart, he pulled me into a hug, whispering all kinds of affections into my ear. I looked over his shoulder and saw Rhys and Cassian smiling at us before they left the room. "We're going to be parents, Azriel." 

Azriel and I flew home and made love for hours. He mentioned wanting to show me how much he loved me, and he defiantly did that. The love I felt for Azriel only grew more at the idea of having a child with him; we were both so excited to share this, to have something so precious that belonged only to us, something that we could love unconditionally together. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 897 words.

~ A/N ~

Hey guys! Sorry, it's taken me so long to upload again... I had severe writer's block! And still kind of do. I hope you're all doing well and that you enjoy this!

Have a lovely day,

Holly x

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