"You're my mate." Part 4

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Azriel and yourself spent a few days getting to know each other better. He told you the story of his scarred hands, which brought you to tears, and you told him about your life at Windhaven. You both listened to the other, whiles being told the stories, and when you both couldn't think of anything else to talk about, you both held each other. 

"You have no idea how long I've waited for you." You turned to look your mate in the eyes. "I would of waited five-hundred more years to find you... and then more after that." You couldn't help the smile that came to you face when he said that, but you also couldn't help the tiny bit of guilt you felt. He had waited so long for his mate, over five-hundred years. "I'm sorry its taken this long." You said to him, your eyes now silver-lined. "Don't be sorry, Y/N. If I'd found my mate any ealier, then you probably wouldn't be my mate." You both shuddered at the thought. "Well... I'm glad you found me now!" You both chuckled.

"Are we definetly going to be telling them today?" Asked Az, he was giving you the chance to keep it quitet for a bit longer, worried if you thought the both of you were into rushing it. "I'm sure!" You sat up in you bed, as the both of you had moved into your room for some space to be together, "Their our family. I want them to be happy with us, to share our joy. Although I have to admit I'm worried about Cassians reaction."  You bit your lip and then turned to Azriel again. "Do you think we should be worried?" You questioned him, he was smirking. "I think... he's going to be shocked. I dont think he'll be angry, but then again, I dont remeber him having any other sibilings before you. So I guess only time will tell." You knew he was right, but it still made you worry. You didn't want him to fall out with Azriel or disown you. 

A few hours later and it was almost time for dinner. You changed into a comfortable summery dress that was white and had soft, light blue flowers on it. You styled your hair in a high pony tail and made sure your makeup looked natural. When you were finished and was about to head to the dining room, there was a knock at your door. 

"Y/N? Its Nesta." You walked to the door and let her in. "Hey is everything ok?" You asked, now starting to feel slightly nervous. Nesta looked like she was about to ask you something when someone bellowed, yes bellowed, from down the hall, "Dinners ready!" Nesta shook her head and said, "That brother of your, really does know how to be annoying." You started to laugh, hard. "He is a bit of a weirdo..." Heading to the door, you opened it and said, "You coming?" Nesta nodded and you both started to head down to the dining area.

After taking your seats around the dining table, Azriel to your left, Mor to your right and Cassian opposite you, you looked over to Azriel who gave you a little nodded and began to speak. "Hey guys? Theres something I need to tell you... Well Azriel and I need to tell you." The lively chatter that had filled the room so disapeared. Azriel, sensing your nerves throght the bon you both shared, rested a hand on your knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You see we don't know if any of you have noticed... but-" You took a deep breath and just decided... fuck it. "Azriel and I are mates." 

The room stayed silcent for what felt like hours but was most likely a few minutes. Looking to Cassian you could easily tell he was going though... about ten stages of shock. Nesta however, was the one to speak first, "I fucking knew it!" Your mouth gaped. "What? How!" Asked Azriel, who was absolutly astonished. "Cassian and I were on a date a few days ago. We were on our way to the Sidra when I saw the both of you... making out-" You had no words. "I realised it was probably something I shouldn't be seeing and didn't think it was a good idea for Cassian to see... so I faked feeling sick and he took us both back home." Cassian was now looking at his mate looking even more shocked then he was a few minutes ago. 

Everyone at the table congratulated the both of you... well almost everyone, Cassian hadn't uttered a word since you told them. After dinner you decided to go up to him and see what the matter was. 

You found Cassian on one of The House many balconys, he was looking over Velaris with a glass of what looked like Whiskey. "Cass?" He startled, but didn't turn around. "Cassian? Whats wrong? Have I done something?" With that last question Cassian turned around. "What? You think you did something wrong?" Now you were confused, "Well you haven't said anything to Az and I since before we told you all. Are you upset that he and I are mates?" You just wanted to know. "No. I'm glad you found your mate. I just... wish you told me first, before telling everyone. You're my little sister, and I know we haven't known each other long, but it doesn't mean I'm not protective over you." When he said that th only thing you could think of doing is running up to him and giving him a hug, which you did. You ran into his arms and held him tightly, "I'm sorry. I promise you, if someting important like that happens again, you'll be one of the very first to know!" Cass hugged you back just as tight and kissed the top of your head. 

After spending a little bit longer with your brother on the balcony, you headed to Azriels room. You were just about to knock on the door when it opened. There stood at the door was Azriel smiling down to you, "Come on in mate." Thinking to yourself, you knew you would never get tired of hearing him call you mate. "I have something for you." You smiled at him, "And what would that be, my love?" Taking your hand he led you to the bed, where he told you to sit. Then he disapeared behind a door, which you guess to be a walk in wardrobe. When he came back out he had a small box in his hand. "I know you're not big on big fancy surprises, but I want to give you this." He nealt down before you, "Y/N. I want to give you this. It was my mothers-" He opened the box and there inside it was a beautiful ring. It had a blue sapphire in the centre, with small diamonds going around the blue stone. "When I told her I'd found you, she said she wanted you to have this, as you mating ring. If you don't like it then we can go shopping for one-" You leaned down to kiss him, cutting off the last part of his sentence. "I love it! And it will mean even more that your mother gave it to you, to give to me. I'll gladly wear it."

You both held each other close, you were snuggled up close to his chest and he had his head rested slightly on your head. "Azriel?" His response was a hum. "I think I'm ready." With that Azriel pulled away slightly and looked down at you, "Ready for what?" You smirked, "To properly accept the bond... thats if you want to?" Azriel suddenly had a grin that went ear to ear. "Oh I'm ready, but are you?"

That night Azriel... ravished you. It was your first time so he started slowly at first, making sure you got used to his, size, and Holy Mother you didn't think any male could have a size that big. He made sure you were as comfortable as possibly for your first time. You both felt the bond become stronger after you both found your release. This happened a lot during that night and you wouldn't of had did any other way.

When you both were finally exhaughted from all the love making and fucking, Azriel turned to you with a smile that made your heart leap into your throat, "I love you." You leaned over to him and kissed him, "I love you to." 

~ A/N ~


I know right... posted another one in the same day!

I hope you liked this little... series? Of "You're my mate." If you'd like me to do more Azriel and Y/N content then please let me know! 

Even though I will probably do more anyway lol!

Hope you all having a lovely day!

Holly x 

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