"You're my mate." Part 2

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You were woke up by someone knocking on your door. Turning over in the bed you pulled the large, silk pillow over your head, in an attempt to block out the sound. "Y/N! Wakey wakey!" You knew that voice, Cassian. You decided to get out of bed when he began knocking on the door again, well more like banging this time. Chucking on the robe that you'd been borrowing from Mor, you walked to the door and met Cassian with a less then pleased expression on your face.

"Moring sis." Greeted Cassian, with the cheesest grin I'd ever seen. "Good Morning Cass. Why the hell are you waking me up at this, ungodly hour?" You questioned. "Its not that early-" You furrowed your brows, "Its half-six in the morning... on a Saturday!" It didn't help that you'd been out drinking with Mor and Feyre the night before, and now had one of the worsed hangovers you've had in a while.

"Like I said, little sister, its not that early. I came to invite you to come to training with me and Az." At the mention of Azriel your heart-rate began to quicken. "What time do I have to be there?" You asked, "But I'm not doing anything to exhausting, I have a hangover." Your brother began to chuckle, "Well its your own fault for going out drinking with Mor and Feyre. You know those two love to drink until they drop!" Cassian was now laughing. You slapped his arm and told him to go so you could get dressed. "I'll make sure you some breakfast when you get to the dining room!" Shouted Cass, who was now half way down the hall.

Heading over the the bathroom you looked into the mirror. It has been eight months since you moved to Velaris, so much about you had changed in those months. Firstly, you'd put on more weight, which was great concidering when you arrived you were basically just skin and bone. Secondly, you began to have a very close relationship with your brother, his mate, and the rest of the Inncer Circle, although Azriel was still a little distant which confused the others and much as it confused you. Thirdly, Cassian had started to train you. He said that he wanted to make sure you knew how to defend yourself, just in case. After braiding your black hair into a long braid, you moved to the bedroom to change into your Illyrian leathers. Nesta and Cassian had taken you to Emeries shop to get them. 

Walking down the hall to the dining room of The House, you were again greated with the sounds of laughter. "Morning all." You said to everyone in the room. You got a bunch of 'Good morings' back. Taking a seat in between Nesta and Azriel, you began to tuck into the food Cassian had said he would get you. "Once you finish with your food Y/N, the three of us will head to the training ring." You nodded while shoving some scrambled eggs into your mouth. Nobody seemed to mind how you ate, which was like the food would be taken from you at any moment and was trying to eat it before it was. Cassian was the same in a way, but you could tell you were worse when it came to gobbling down your food. They all knew why you did it though.

At the training ring you began to warm up by doing streches that Cassian had taught you. You watched as both your brother and Azriel began to spar, they had said they already streched and just wanted to get into training. Watching them you realised how strong both males were, and you couldn't help but eye up the naked torso of Az. His body was magnificent and nearly made you drool when you saw him like this, all hot and sweaty. You didn't realise how long you'd been watching Az until you heard someone whistle, Cassian, he'd caught you watching Azriel. "You really enjoy watching Az train dont you, sis." That comment made you blush, "I dont know what you mean... prick." You shot back. Being to embarrest you couldn't look at Azriel for the rest of training, and ran straight to your room when you got back to The House. 

When you'd finished having a bath and had changed into some comfortable clothes, you heard a knock at your door. "Come in!" When the door opened you were expecting Cass or Nesta. You weren't expecting Azriel. "I came to give you this... you left it at training." Noticing he was nervous you said, "Thank you. I've been looking for that." It was the knife Feyre and Rhys had got you. They gifted you the knife when you accepted the training lessons. " Taking the knife from Azriel, your hands lighty brushed against each other. You could already feel some heat going to your cheeks. When you tried to hide the blushing, Azriel moved your face gently with his hand, so you were both looking each other in the eyes. "You have the most beautiful eyes." Whispered Az. You couldn't help the smile that began to show on your face. Moving your free hand, you placed it on his cheek and lightly brushed your thumb over Azriels bottom lip. 

"Y/N! Wer're going to be late for lunch with Amren and Feyre!" Shouted Mor from down the hall, clearly not know you were having a moment with Azriel. The both of you chuckled. "You should go." Whispered Azriel again, but not moving his hand. Also whispering you said, "Yes I should.", but you didn't move either. "Y/N!!" Mor was beginning to get impatient. "Now I really should be going." Chuckling softly you moved out of his reach, "But I'll see you later... right?" Azriel smiled a small, soft smile and said, "You'll see me later." and then walked out of your room.

You have always felt soomething for Azriel but never knew how to describe what it was or why you had it. He felt important to you, but you didn't know why. All you knew was that you enjoyed when you were both were close to each other, and what just happened, had your heart leaping into your throat.

~ A/N ~ 

Hey everyone! I hope you are liking this so far, I'm thinking 'You're my mate." is going to be four parts but I'm not to sure. 

Hope your all having a lovely day!

Holly x

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