vi. porcelain doll

Start from the beginning

Call it the seventh sense or the feeling of getting watched when you walk in the street alone at night or whatever but it was freaking her out. It was probably just her being paranoid after all the shit she experienced during the last three weeks but she still handed Isaac's phone back to him and moved to put her hand on the car door.

"I'll go check if J is fine." She informed Lydia and Isaac, although her gaze was still set on the store, "Maybe he can't find the movie and that's what's taking him so long."

Isaac gave her a worried look and then hesitantly asked, "Are you sure?"

"What's the worst that could happen?" Alice rolled her eyes and then without waiting for a reply, left the car to walk towards the store.

What she did expect to happen was for the glass doors to break right in front of her when she reached them and for a huge beast to jump right out of them. She almost got whiplash from the way she was forcefully knocked to the ground by it. The bright red eyes stared at her for a split second and Alice was pretty sure that that was the moment she was going to die.

That was until he brushed right past her and went god knows where.

She did not move, however. She did not even hear the sound of Lydia's screams filling the parking lot or felt the warm touch of Isaac's hand on her arm when he finally reached her. Alice was still completely in shock, feeling as if her heart was going to jump from her body by the way it was rapidly beating in her chest.


Alice only really recovered a few moments after the ambulance and the police arrived and Jackson got out of the store. His eyes fell on her shaking body almost immediately and he did not hesitate to rush toward her. He pulled her away from Isaac's side into a warm and (what he hoped was) comforting hug.

She was only relieved that he was okay.

Her hand was locked with Lydia's the second the two sat down on the back of the ambulance truck.

"We're fine." Jackson argued with a police officer, "I already told you everything that happened. Just let me take the two of them home and you can question me as much as you want."

"Calm down ── "

"Calm down?" He cut the police officer off, "My sister and I have just been attacked by a fucking beast and my girlfriend and friend just watched it all happen so I don't think I should have to stay fucking calm. Why the hell can't we just go home? We're fine."

"I hear you, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just want to make sure you don't have a concussion." Noah Stilinski chimed in, looking between the Whittemore siblings with a sympathetic look on his face.

Alice met the man before. Of course, she had. With the number of times, she had to pick up Jackson at the station when he got arrested and their parents were not in town and a couple of times that she was at his house hanging out with Stiles, she could easily say she liked the man. According to everything Stiles said about him, he seemed like the best parent figure anyone could have.

"What part of 'We're fine' are you having a problem grasping? Okay, I wanna go home." Jackson snapped, the loud volume of his voice making Alice's headache increase and making her visibly wince.

Noah must have caught that because when he looked back at Jackson, he didn't look that sympathetic anymore, "And I understand that. But I think your sister ── "

Jackson was completely in his face now, oblivious to the glare that Alice was sending him despite the pain in her head and neck, "No, you don't understand, which kind of blows my mind since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent-a-cop like you. Okay, now I wanna go home!"

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