ii. peer pressure

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second chance at first line;❛ WONDERLAND❜ ↷ teen wolf❝ what happened last night should never be mentioned again ❞

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second chance at first line;
❛ WONDERLAND❜ ↷ teen wolf
❝ what happened last night should never be mentioned again ❞


Alice woke up in the backseat of her red jeep with no clothes on. The cold winter air was the first thing that she picked up on. She opened her eyes a little and squinted at the window that was halfway open. Then, she picked up on the fact that she was laying on somebody's cold and bare chest. Her eyes widened and she hurriedly pushed herself up from the naked body, not expecting the naked and sleeping person under her to be Isaac Lahey; one of her boyfriend's closest friends.

"Fuck." She cursed in realization and struggled to move to the front seat where her clothes were scattered across the two seats, mixed with what she guessed were Isaac's clothes. She awkwardly started to get dressed, trying to remember what happened at Lydia's party last night, only to freeze in shock when everything came rushing back.

"Watch where you're going, McCall." Alice cursed at Scott after he bumped into her and made her spill her drink all over her white shirt. Her expression shifted from annoyance to concern when she noticed Scott's eyes were squeezed shut and he was holding his head in pain. "You okay? Do you need someone to drive you home?"

He was the boy that Allison had a thing for. He was also Jackson's new competition when it came to lacrosse. But he seemed sweet in a dorky way so Alice tried not to be a bitch to him.

"No." he said, although his words were followed by a painful groan, "I'm fine."

She did not get a chance to argue because before she could blink, he was practically running out of the house. Alice moved to follow, still concerned, but another boy rushed past her and after Scott which made her stumble as he pushed past her.

She gaped at the back of the boy's head and went outside to see Scott hurriedly getting into his car and driving off. His friend was nowhere to be seen and she briefly saw Allison watching Scott drive off which made her realize that their date did not go well. She sighed and turned around to go back inside, only for something, or rather someone, to catch her eye.

"Seriously?" Alice scoffed in disgust, her face scrunching up into a grimace as she tried to fight off her anger. Minho pulled away from the faintly familiar blonde girl he was kissing next to the doorway to look at his angry girlfriend with wide alarmed eyes.

He looked like a deer caught in the headlights and there was nothing that Alice wanted more than to slap that look off of his face. "I cannot believe that I wasted my time with you." She glared at the girl who was still clinging to his arm with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. "You are going to have a blast in school these next few weeks."

Her words were slurry and her exhaustion was evident in the way she stumbled away from them. She turned on her heel and marched away towards her car with her head full of thoughts but still held high.
"Wait!" she heard Minho call after her, "Come on, Ali!"

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