v. octavia

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magic bullet; ❛ WONDERLAND ❜↷teen wolf❝ who the fuck is octavia? ❞

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magic bullet; ❛ WONDERLAND ❜
↷teen wolf
❝ who the fuck is octavia?


Alice did not do commitment. Not anymore, at least. Catching feelings for someone could only end in her getting hurt. She thought that because she could never imagine someone genuinely loving her. People thought they loved her, when in fact they only thought she was attractive. In the end, she knew that everyone was going to leave her. So, she never got too attached. Not even to her actual boyfriend which only proved her right after cheating on her with the first girl who was willing to spread her legs for him.

Even when it came to the friends-with-benefits arrangement that she had with Isaac, she knew that he probably didn't care about her feelings. He just wanted to get laid and she was fine with that because she was in the same situation. Despite how good the group date went, she doubted that she was ready for an actual relationship and Isaac never complained.

She chose to keep their interactions outside of sex to a minimum. So, when she woke up in the middle of the night to find Isaac still in her bed, peacefully asleep while their limbs were tangled up together, she did not bother to be gentle about waking him up.

Sneaking him in last night was risky enough with Jackson and her mother being home, she could not afford one of them walking into her room and finding them there naked.

"What the hell?" Isaac groaned when she hit him with her pillow repeatedly.

Alice narrowed her eyes at him in response, "Get up. It's, like, four in the morning. You were supposed to be out of here a long time ago."

"Shit." He cursed and hurried to his feet, instantly starting to get dressed, "I fell asleep."

"Obviously." She rolled her eyes and got to her feet as well. She put on an oversized purple t-shirt over her head. She turned around to see if Isaac was dressed only to find him putting on his belt with his shirt still sitting on the edge of the bed, giving her a chance to take in his bare chest.

For a guy who spent most lacrosse games on the bench rather than on the field, he looked better than most guys in their school.

"You checking me out?"

His words made her snap her gaze away from his stomach and towards his face, seeing a cocky smirk on his face. He was never that mouthy or confident in school and around other people. The fact that someone like Alice Whittemore actually wanted him gave him confidence.

"You wish." She deadpanned and made her way towards the door, ignoring the way his eyes trailed up her bare legs, "You can't go through the window since my mom parked her car under it. Walk through the front door but be quiet."

wonderland ❪ TEEN WOLF ❫Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora