Chapter 4: reunion

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After I drove them back to their homes I parked the van at Blitzo's house and I walked home. The silent street on the outskirts of the city was nice. It sort of reminds me of the open fields of the wrath ring.

I almost have enough money to purchase a pass port to take the elevator to the wrath ring. I'm getting close to finding mom and dad. See I grew up in a small town called Hellmound. It wasn't well known but it was home. It was founded primarily of hellhounds as proof that we aren't only guard dogs. We can do more.

I got to my apartment and I went inside. I did my usual routine. After I got comfortable I turned on the news to see what was happening.

"Good evening everyone I'm Katie Killjoy!"

"And I'm Tom Trench here with the latest news of hell!" The two reporters began. Most of it was basic territory control by higher sinners and the latest products made by companies.

Then the next segment caught my attention.

"Now with the big news. House Ivalice has a speech regarding there progress towards raising the social ranking of the hellhounds why don't we listen in?" Katie says as the screen changes to the matriarch. Dutchess Loriana Ivalice.

Her fur was a crimson grey with royal white. Her eyes filled a dignified red. Her dress was a royal blue with white highlights.

"I would like thank you all for helping us get to where we are now. As I have stated already us the hellhounds have been placed at the very bottom of social hierarchy and now we rise to greater heights. It is my dream that one day the hellhounds will not be regarded as tools but as fellows demons. Mine and my families compassionate actions we have rose to great heights and soon the hellhounds shall bathe in this great feeling as well. This is-" I turned off the tv.

My teeth were bared, my fur stood up, and I growled at the now shut off tv.

"Compassionate she says. As if they believe themselves the very image of paragon! What horse shit she spouts nothing less than lies!" My holy parts were glowing violently but fortunately I managed to calm down in time.

The famous will do and say anything to stay famous. It's better to stay normal.

I can't lose control. Not yet. I need to get a hold of myself. I went to bed to get ready for the next day.


I new day begins within the company. Today was the last day before we move into spring offices for the break.

I sat in my regular corner as I checked my gear. Tomorrow was going to be interesting that's for sure. I look around to see my co workers doing their own thing.

But my eyes have been attached to Loona as of late. I can't really explain why. I told myself that love would only get in the way of my goal and that I should avoid it. The more I look at her the more drawn I am to her.

I make sure I don't make it look obvious that I'm staring. I'll drop it for now and go on normally.

The next few minutes went by without any interesting moments. Well Blitzo and Moxxie got into a fight over art classes and how expensive they were.

Eventually I was given an assignment to kill a child by some parent. Before I left I talked with the client.

"So why is it that you want me to kill your daughter miss? It's quite the unusual request." I ask her with a stern glare.

The woman in question was a single mother in her early 30s.

"I know it may sound selfish but please I want to be with my daughter. You see she is mentally disabled and I have been doing my best to take care of her for as long as she was alive. I worry for her well being up there. She won't last long in the human world and I want to see her happy.

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