Chapter 3: Loo Loo Land

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Another morning. I wonder how many I have left? I get up and I do my normal routine. As I get around to my breakfast I thought comes my phone begins to rings. I pull it out to reveal the caller.

It was Blitzo. I answered the phone to hear Blitzo say this:

"Y/n pack up your bag we're going to Loo Loo Land!" He said through a megaphone.

Though the quality was kinda bad.

"Did you break your phone or something?" There was no reply. Only the sound of the call ending.

"Well to a kid's amusement park we go then. I wonder what fucked up thing Stolas said to convince him." I grab my gear and I head out.


Soon enough we arrived at the amusement park. There were cheers and laughter of young children and smiles of the parents watching their young ones live the dream.

I remember this place. When I was just a young cub my mother and father took here on my 8th birthday. It's not as clean as it was all those years ago. It has definitely lost its magic or maybe it was just nostalgia. But either way it brings a small smile on my face.

I look to the two individuals we are protecting today. One was Stolas the head of the Goetia family. Next to him was his daughter Octavia Goetia. She seems to be hating every moment within Loo Loo Land. Could be some childhood nightmare.

If I had to hazard a guess it would Fizzarolli. The robotic mascot. I can sympathize for her. I used to have nightmares about him too.

But I won't interact with her. I have a goal to complete and bonds will only make it harder. I look to see Moxxie hiding behind Millie because to the other mascots. He keeps on muttering on how the people in costumes are mostly perverts and such.

"Alright why don't you all have while I take the first watch." Blitzo says as Millie squeals in excitement as she grabs Moxxie to explore.

I decide to wander off as well. There was a stand that sold some pretty good milkshakes. I loved the vanilla ones there. After walking around I finally found it. It was still in business after all this time.

As I got closer I saw to hellhounds sitting at the counter. I though nothing of it but then I saw the outfits. They were royal guards. From a family I know all too well.

I decided to keep cool as sat next to the counter. I order my favorite vanilla strawberry shake. The man at the counter nodded and got to work. Using this time I listened to the hellhound's conversation.

"So i guess it's true then." One said.

"Yeah house Ivalice has made great strides in the public debates. Soon hellhounds won't be regarded as slaves anymore. We may get the recognition we deserve." The other spoke.

"Nice. I also heard that the princess is looking for a fiancé. So she hasn't had any success."

"Yeah I mean she has some high standards. She won't accept any other royalty but from those who are hellhounds."

"Well we better get back to the Wrath ring soon. I don't want to miss the ball at the Ivalice estate."

"Oh yeah when is it happening?"

"About a month and a half from now."

They walk off as the owner hands me my shake. I thank him and I hand him the money. I took the shake and I began walking off thinking about the conversation.

"So house Ivalice is hosting a ball to commemorate the progress of increasing the popularity of hellhounds. I have my destination and my time frame. All that's left is to make plans. My goal may come closer than I thought. But for now I better get back to the others." I finish up the shake and I rush off to find the others.

I return to last we separated and I see Octavia running off in tears with Stolas following far behind. I see where they ran from and I see the main circus tent in flames as Blitzo fights Fizzarolli.

"Of course." I begin following Stolas and Octavia to see a mid size group of demons about to ambush them. I rush to the entrance to defend them.

I pull out my revolvers and I threaten them to see if they would back down. They seem adamant to kidnap the two. So I did what I do best and begin gunning them down. One leaped on my back stabbed me with a knife.

Wincing a bit I grabbed the little fucker and I bit his head off. I threw the body at another demon crushing it. Another small group was approaching so I grabbed the nearest demon and I put a grenade in its mouth and threw it at the group. That killed the last of the demons.

Moxxie and Millie both came over asking where Stolas and Octavia were. I pointed to the entrance and they left to find them. I stayed at the entrance to watch for more demons. But they all seemed to flee as Loo Loo Land began falling apart from the fire and destruction from the fight between Fizzarolli and Blitzo.

"It's a shame. But all things come to an end sooner or later. I'm gonna miss this place."

After a few minutes everyone comes out. Stolas is carrying his daughter with Moxxie and Millie following close behind. We guarded them until we were home free outside of Loo Loo Land.

That was until Blitzo landed on Moxxie and Millie. He wore a smile and said that 'the metallic whore had it coming.'

Stolas and Octavia ignored us as they went off for some father and daughter bonding.

"Octavia. Your lucky I don't know if my parents are still or not. But you still have yours. I hope that mine are still alive in the Wrath ring." I say as I grab the imps and place them in the van.

I got into the driver seat and I drove us back to the office.

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