Chapter 1: family murder

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I-I don't where I am. There are buildings on fire and bodies everywhere. Wait. This seams familiar. I'm in a dead courtyard. This is a cleansing. But why so soon?

"No! P-please!" I hear a scream. I turn around but everywhere has changed. It was a cliff side now.

I see a young hellhound running to the edge. Behind was a exterminator. It held a light spear and wore a dreaded smile as its head was tilted. It laughed at the weak little hellhound. I know that hellhound.

"I'm going savior your screams little mutt. What savory gift that has been given unto me." I try to save the hellhound but time seemed to slow down. I feel myself being pulled away.

My head begin to pound in pain as voices are heard. The voices repeated only one word.


They got louder and louder until I screamed to shut them up.

Dream end

I woke up sweating. I looked around to see that I was still in my apartment and everything was normal. I calmed down till my heart was beating normally and I put my head in my hands.

"Jesus Christ. Another nightmare. Why did have to be me? Why must I suffer this torment?"

I get up and I wash my face. After drying off I got my guns and clothes and I left for work. Checking my guns I have the ammunition and they are in perfect condition. I feel like today is going to require long range action so I brought along my rolling block today as well.

 I feel like today is going to require long range action so I brought along my rolling block today as well

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Walking down the streets of imp city many sinners and demons went about their business. Mainly committing more sins.

I pray to god that this day will be safe.

Once I entered the building I went to the employee room where I was greeted by the three who were doing target practice. Moxxie started talking about how the family on the photo might be innocent. I'm chimed in an said.

"Moxxie you must know that human has committed a sun at least once in there lives. So no they are not innocent. Who know what Tom-fuckery they have done." I say going to my corner and inspecting my guns.

In the spare time that we had I cleaned up my guns a little giving them a little shine. That was when our boss Blitz came in with a client scaring Moxxie and causing an accident.

"Damn it Mox! I just bought those eels!"

While they were distracted I took the time to bless some of my bullets just in case.


As the client left Blitz shouted at Moxxie for "being a dipshit." Apparently our target was a blonde female woman who forced the husband to cheat on her.

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