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    "I've got something" Crypt called as he came running by and headed into the old clubhouse.  Following him in the man went directly to Boomer who seemed to be the only officer awake.  Well until he sent a couple guys up to wake her dad, Ripper and Switch.  Looking at her watch Lia headed to make fresh coffee as they'd only gotten a short two hour snooze. 

   "Morning" Brinn greeted looking still half asleep seated at the kitchens small table with a coffee in hand.  "

   "What's the fuss" Liz questioned already taking out eggs to make more breakfast for the men about to be awaken.

   "Crypt found something but don't know the what of it yet.  I can help if you need a hand" Lia offered after seeing Brinn blink herself awake and take another sip of coffee.

   "Sure you're on the scrambled eggs.  I'll take the bacon and pancakes" Liz accepted as Sin entered with Cindy Lou to help.

   "Boomer called church for in an hour. Crypt and Marvin may have found the location"  Sin explained putting on the fresh pot of coffee Lia had forgotten to put on.

   "A couple of us need to be with them" Brinn sounding more awake and turning from the eggs she was whisking Lia saw something in the womens eyes.  An understanding and shaddow.  "They'll need us if.." she added but trailed off looking down at her cup.

  "I'll be there.  Your right.  If, they'll need a women just in case" Lia agreed then handed the whisk off to Cindy Lou to go over to Brinn.  "We help them get past it.  Move on.  There is no forgetting but we survive it" she offered the women who reached out to squeeze her hand as they shared a moment of understanding.

  "You'll be staying then?" Liz questioned catching onto Lia implying she'd be here to help.

  "We'll be staying" Liam answered giving Lia a jolt as she swung around to see him in the doorway looking right at her.  "Can you ladies spare her.  Seems we need to have a chat love" he questioned both the women but also her as his eyes remained on her.

   "Go on then.  But if your staying we'll rope you into meal prep more in the future.  Let me know when to be ready for, it'll be me and you" Sin answered and giving Brinn's hand another squeeze and a nodd to Sin she followed Liam out.

   "What did she mean?" he questioned taking her hand as they headed outside to the picnic table.

   "Sin and I will be with you guys.  Women need to be on hand if your find Ella aand Kaiah.  They may not want men touching them" she quietly offered and was glad when he didn't question it.  When they sat and he turned to her there was understanding in his eyes and it warmed her sometimes cold heart.

   "So you want to stay?" he changed topic as he pulled her to sit closer and kept a hand around her waist.

   "Aye.  Here feels safe and I have a chance with Ella to have family that doesn't carry the past with it." Lia answered honestly knowing it was time to lay it all on the table.  "I claimed you last night but I won't hold you too it if it's not what you want" she began but he cut her off by pinching her lips together for a moment.

   "You are mine and I am yours.  Its what I want, you I want.  I get that this is new and we still have alot to learn about each other.  But my hearts already decided.  So if you'll have me and your staying, then so am I" he stated bringing tears to her eyes. 

   "I want you" was all she could choke out before his lips were on hers.  The moment was interupted though by a coughing sound behind them.  Pulling away she turned to see Quinn standing only feet away.


    He'd seen them together and knew the possibility.  Last night after hearing his Lia claim his brother had gotten him thinking of the future.  Hearing Lia just now say she felt safe here only solidified it.  They were staying.   Not just Lia and Liam but Quinn too.

   "Royce and Raine can handle the family business in Boston.  A gym here could be a good cover business for Lia and I.  That's if you still want to stay in the business hun.  Dervil already said she plans to stay if you do.  Duncan's not happy but he'll get over it."  he offered knowing the pair had missed alot last night when they headed upstairs.

  "You knew?" Lia questioned

   "I knew it was a possibility and remember I'm the planner.  So I've got ideas and voiced them to your cousin and Allister last night.  Fare warning, he'll be buying a house here so they have somewhere when they visit." Quinn warned smiling then took a breath when he saw the pure happieness on Lia's face.  Not once in all their years as friends had he seen it and it choked him up. 

   "So we're staying?" Liam questioned more towards Quinn than the women next to him.  His brother was a gonner and fuck if that wasn't weird to see.

   "Aye.  We're staying.  But one of you gets to tell Ripper that the Irish Mob is about to set up shop in town.  I don't know how someone gets the name Ripper and have no want to find out" he only half jokes before Dervil came out to anounce breakfast was ready. 

    Leaving the Lia and Liam he followed the lass in and caught the look she shot towards a table full of bikers.  Among them sat Holiday, Crow and Reaper.

   "Best catch the lay of the land lass before sniffing to close there.  And not till after your Da has departed.  Last place I'd want to leave my daughter is in a world full of bikers" he advised and chuckled seeing the slight blush on her cheeks.

  "Ye man be right.  So it's set then.  Lia and Liam, I can stay" she questioned.

  "Aye, we stay" he answered "But first lets get this matter cleared before we move forward with the plans I mentioned last night" he stated his mind coming back to the present and the issue with the russians. Once the lasses were safe his team would move and finish the business in Boston.  It was as good as done.

   The branch of the Petrov's would end and their kin from New York had already given their blessing.  Money sometimes held more weight than blood ties.  As he'd learned was the case with the New York branch who wished to stay out of the mess.
And the Mulligan's in New York had helped solidify the message, that should they move to help their Boston branch they would be pulled under as well.

   But for now they got back Lia's cousin.  Filling a plate Quinn joined the men Dar had been eyeing.  Best get to know the lot better.  He may be a planner but today he'd be with them when they went to retrieve the lasses.  It wasn't only Lia who was deadly. 


Hello all.  I apologize for my absence this past couple weeks and making you wait.  My grandfather passed and I needed time. I hope you're not disapointed with the end of this book.  I'll admit my heart wasn't quiet ready for it yet.  But Liam and Lia will become a perminant addition to the Blood Wolve's Family so you'll see more of their relationship. 

The Epilogue will follow this then in a week of so we'll start Ella's story Irish Rose.  Please let me know your thoughts so far.  I love hearing from all of you.

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