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Irish "Gabriel"

       Sitting at the bar in Mulligan's he kept his eyes on image of his cousin in the mirror behind the bar.  Truth it was taking everything piece of restraint in him not to pounce on the man.  If it wasn't for Ella and Kaiah he'd have added his cousins body to O'Shea's freezer.

      The man had been smart watching for a tail and waiting till the others had left town.  What the man didn't know was that Finn was up and moving.  Not quick but Finn was pissed and it was keeping him on his feet.  Enough that he'd tailed Eamon sneaking out night to go to a dinner.

     "Have they called back yet?" Ivo questioned as he was behind the bar serving drinks tonight and been brought fully into the know by his brother.

    "Not yet.  Your mum?" he questioned as the last he's seen of Shay Mulligan-Quinn had been when they'd told her about the price on her head.  To say the women was mad was a bloody understatement.

    "Pissed but understands.  Uncle Rowan's keeping an eye on her with Ainsley's help" Ivo answered then went to serve a customer at the other end of the bar. 

    Having enough of waiting he pulled out his cell and dialed his Uncle Sean. When it wrang and went to voice mail he simply called again.  He knew Ripper would have already passed the message.

   "What" Uncle Sean yelled over the phone in answer.  Well shit the man sounded detroyed.  Had they been too late.  Had they found the women too late.  "Gabriel what" he ground out over the phone and in the back ground he heard Uncle Duncan's voice before it sounded over the phone.

   "Sorry Gabriel, things blew up here not to long ago and Sean now knows Colin was the snake.  Thank christ Neala was still upstairs sleeping."  Duncan explained

   "Who the fuck told him" he couldn't help asking. 

   "Doesn't matter.  Sorry we hadn't called back yet.  Is everything okay there?" he questioned

   "Hold on a moment I need to find somewhere more private" he answered shooting a look to Ivo and one of the O'Shea's to keep an eye on Eamon.  Then he was up and headed back to one of the back private parlors.  Only when the door was closed did he explain what had been seen and what they'd learned since. 

    "Take him down stairs and lock him up.  Search his room and I'll have someone come over to trace his phone.  Someone will also be there in the morning to question him.  From there he'll join Colin.  Can you handle this or should I call in Rowan or one of your Uncles."  Duncan questioned

   "I got this.  I'll be in the bar till your person shows. I'll close up with Ivo then we'll take Eamon downstairs.  Have whoevers coming order the Mulligan special over the intercom and I'll let them in" Gabriel set in place then hung up glad he finally had the go ahead.  It was already nearing 2 am, he could wait till closing.

Duncan Quinn

      From the other end of the clubhouse he watched the VP hand his brother in law another drink.  He couldn't blame his neice for letting it slip that Colin was the traitor.  After the lass disapeared with Liam he'd been the one to tell Sean the full of it with Ryan's help.  Tears had been shed for the son he'd lost, not the man he'd become.  Then he'd been pissed and tossed himself into the bottle.

    "It's hard to accept when those close to you betray you.  I can't even imagine what he's going through but for tonight we'll have his back." Ripper offered coming to sit beside him at a table once he'd finished making all the calls.

    "Seems Colin didn't work alone.  My nephew Eamon was caught connecting with some lower level russians tonight. Gabriel's handling it with some of the Quinn's and O'Shea's.  One of my niece's is like your Crypt and Marvin.  She'll go through his phone and we should have that information in a couple hours.  Lass wouldn't hear of waiting till morning and is headed to Mulligan's now" Duncan explained looking across to his family and glad he to could get this off his chest to someone else and not them. 

    "I'm sorry to hear that but also hope your niece will find something that can help us find the women. When should we be hearing from them" Ripper questioned signalling the prospect at the bar to bring them a drink.

    "Eamon's on the softer side.  We should hear something in the next couple of hours" Duncan offered knowing he hadn't held back in who he'd called in to help.  Maybe not as good as the banshee but Quinn's man was just as effective. 

   "Then we wait." Ripper stated indicating he'd be staying up with him.  Which was confirmed when his enforcer delivered the drinks.  "Boomer let the old lady's know Switch and I will be working tonight" he told the man who chuckled and shook his head.

   "Brinn's gonna fry your ass no matter the reason." he chuckled then explained for Duncan's benefit "Guy keeps getting out of night time diapers and feeding the baby.  Finds any excuse he can as he turns green at even the smell of a diaper." Boomer offered then chuckling headed out.

   "We had a blow out situation involving a diaper with Switch's lass Em.  My second and third will never live it down that I was sholders deep in a trash can while they cleaned the lass up.  Now every time things like this happen it gets brought up." Ripper tried to explain as if it was nothing but the man did turn a little green even mentioning it.  Duncan couldn't hold back his grin and seeing it Ripper let out a breath before adding "Fucking still have nightmare.  Poop was everywhere man!" he grumbled which had Duncan laughing.  He could see why his nieces liked it here.

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