Penthouse and Strip Joints

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     While he waited Q pulled up the gyms feed up on his handheld and rewound the footage.  Yep there was his girl and what the fuck had they been thinking putting her in with Royce.  Watching he smiled seeing his brother get his ass thrown around.  Then he frowned and knew it was going to create more questions.  As if on cue his phone rang with Liam's contact coming up on screen.

   "You forgot a few key details in our chat yesterday brother" Liams voice growled throught the line as soon a he answered.  "She's not just a business partner is she?" Liam questioned as Quinn's brain scrambled through what he'd told them so far.  Truth was far easier to giving half truths and keeping them all organized.

  "No but I'm not cleared to tell you more.  Lia is trained, and by the best to protect herself in any situation" he offered knowing it wasn't what his brother wanted but all he could give.

   In the past when he'd refered to Lia as his business partner Quinn had never specified in what capacity.  It wasn't his place as her friend and keeper. 

  "She knows of the connection.  Is on her way here now.  I'm about to hand her information that's going to set her off.  Any of you available to follow her tonight?" Q questioned moving to the papers on the rooms small table.  He really needed to find a better location to base out of he though.

  "Ya, I'll also give Hugo a call.  Best meet up and set all the cards on the table.  We don't need any of this coming back on the family" Liam warned and he had to agree.  With Lia already connecting his brothers to the family it was for the best.  The more eyes on his girl the better.

  "Set it up for tomorrow morning but call Hugo in on the watch tonight.  Something tells me she won't be telling them what she'd up too.  Liam, tonight if she isn't in danger dont interfere.  Lia is one of the best I've worked with" he warned knowing everything about this would sit wrong with his brother.  Women were to be protected in that world, not in Q's.

  "Fine.  Tomorrow.  Are you letting her know about this meeting" Liam questioned

   "Ya.  I'm a dead man otherwise." he stated then hung up as a knock sounded on his door.  Seeing her through the peep hole Quinn openned up only to get flattened to his ass again.  Fuck that hurt.

  "Hey sweets.  Nice to see you too" he muttered rubbing his already bruised jaw.


   Leaving Q's room she headed to pick up some supplies she'd need before heading home.  Doing as she'd asked Q had looked into the Petrov's businesses here in the city.  Taking it another step he'd also gotten her information on who was in charge of this branches organization. 

  Alexei Petrov, brother of the late Kirill Petrov now ran this end of the family business.  Not hard to strech either that he'd want a little payback for his brother where she was concerned.  That's if he'd put it together with the news that she was still alive and his brother and nephews demise.

  Q's intel also gave her his basic routine which included frequent nightly trips to his strip club.  With that in mind Lia purchased a wig and hit the local sex shop for the nights aparel.  She wanted to get a look at the man who'd sent a hit on her last night.  What better vantage point than from centre stage.

  Once home Lia set about the task of making herself not look like herself.  Alexei would have been given a current picture of her.  Showering Lia straightened her hair then wound it up into a wig cap.  The lace front red wig went next and once glued into place looked real enough.  Brown contacts and trashy make up later had Lia looking completely different.

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