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Awaking to the ringing of his phone Liam reached for it in the same moment he realized the other side of the bed was empty. Lifting the phone to his ear he grunted as he got up and headed downstairs expecting to see Lia and instead found a fuckin note. One he couldn't read as Hugo had his attention as he finally spoke.

"Finn was shot. Drive by as he was heading out to come your way. His mum and aunt are patching him up now. Just checking in to see if it's all good on your end." Hugo informed and after a beat Liam cursed and picked up Lia's note.

" She snuck out to talk to her dad. Fuck" he informed and cursed already running upstairs to get dressed. All the while Hugo cursed him out on the other end of the phone for letting her.

"Fuck that...letting her. You've met your cousin. Let her." he grumbled when Hugo finally went silent and he was dressed. But before Hugo could respond his phone pinged another call coming in. Seeing it was Lia he switched over without another word to the man.

"Lia what the fuck were you thinking" he began only to be cut off by her and freeze at what she said. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. "Okay okay, I'll call them and meet you at Mulligans. Please be safe" he pleaded heart hammering in his chest.

Switching back over to Hugo he was suprised to hear the man cursing him again but still on the line. "Shut up. Lia's with Sean and just saved his life. Mulligan's, she's calling lockdown of the family. Call Gideon and have him pick up Sara at the airport in an hour" Liam shot out and was met with silence on the other end.

"Shit. See you there" was all Hugo said before the call was cut off. Calling Q he was out the door five minutes later.

South Caroline
Unknown POV

What should have been a quick in and out snatch and grab quickly went to shit with the old bird downstairs apearing.

"Who are you and what is your business here?" she questioned hands on her hips from the back porch.

"Miss Mulligan upstairs called about issues with her phone line. I'm simply here to do a service call ma'am" he made excuse continuing to the base of the stairs when her next words stopped him flat.

"Stop right there mister. Who does service calls at six at night and two thats not the lasses last name. I'm calling the boys on you. Best go before they..." she was saying before he turned and headed for her. No fuckin way she was screwing this up for him.

Pushing her into the open doorway the women lost her footing and went down hard. Better yet she'd got a good knock on the head on the way down and the lights were out. Working fast he had her tied up an gagged and was on his way up once again. Knocking on the door to the right a young pretty little thing answered smiling.

"Can i help you with something?" she questioned smile disapearing when he just stood there looking at her a minute while slipping a needle out of his pocket. It was done in like one minute which was so cool. They said it would work fast and watching her stumble and slump it did just that.

Hearing someone on the stairs ruined the moment. Slipping in the open door he closed it but at the last minute curiousity got the best of him. Peaking out he saw another women. Prettier than the one on the ground at his feet. Maybe they would pay him more for two was his thought as he stepped out. But he didn't have another magic needle.

One the fly as his mom would call it he saw the welcome garden figure sitting between the two doors. Lifting it he tried not to hit her to hard. And poof down she went. That was fun he though then frowned as he's have to now carry two down those stairs. But the money. So taking the one he's knocked out one down first he then came back for the second. The one he'd been told to get. He liked pretty girls.


To say her husband was unhappy about this was an understatement. It had never been something that had come up till now. Sara helping someone out that wasn't club offiliated. But he'd been arguing a losing battle for it was Lia who'd called her. The women who had saved one of her girls. Which made her family even if her husband didn't see it that way. Still Sara won as she knew it would end.

Stepping off the plain in Boston Sara had Kit on one side of her and two other members on her other side and back. There orders were to keep her safe and was her husbands way of saying he still cared. Grabbing their bags they headed for the doors when Kit reached out to stop her. That's when she saw Irish aproaching and she had to wonder if this wasn't indeed club business after all.

"Momma Demon" he greeted with his sexy little accent and cocky grin.

"Well this is a surprise. One I expect you to explain once we're in the car" she murmered giving the brother a hug before they were moving once again.

Outside the doors a large black van waited with another man behind the wheel. Once settled the man introduced himself as Rain Black but that was all she got on how the man connected to this mess.

"Irish, how is it that your here in Boston. Do you have a connection to the family?" Sara questioned and soon heard all about him Mulligan connection. Turns out the man was Lia and Ella's cousin and had been called home to help.

"It was Lia's call to bring you in on this, not her fathers. He's pretty pissed about it. Don't blame him as one of them is his second oldest. I should also warn you that both Sean and his oldest Finn were attacked this morning" he informed as they came off the highway.

"Either of them hurt? Sara questioned

"Finn. Took two bullets. That's the last I heard" Irish murmered looking worriedly ahead as they made their way through town.

Looking to Kit she saw the anger there. He knew Finn through club business. His temper not helped by the small crush he had on the lass either.

"You can help when we get there hun" Sara assured her son then mentally preapared herself for a toe to toe with Sean Mulligan.

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