Heavy Weight

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    Every day since his Nora passed and left this earth he'd wished to have her back at his side.  Until yesterday when he'd sat listenning to what had happened to his granddaughter.  What she'd lived through because one of his line betrayed them.  No, today he was glad his dear wife was not here to see it.

    Rising at dawn he awoke early and alone in the big empty house they'd raised their children in.  Made himself a simple meal of instant oatmeal and tea then stood at the counter to eat it.  Still now he couldn't bring himself to sit at the table alone.  And when he was done Alister called for his driver and cursed as he always did that the doctor had hocked his license.

   Making his weekly trip to the graveyard he sat first with Nora and spoke of the strong women Lia had become.  Of the report he'd gotten from their grandson Oliver about the granddaughter he had yet to meet.  He never told his wife in life the heavy hard matters and hadn't started when she'd died.  Those matters he saved for his brother Sean.

   Bidding his wife farewell Alister moved across the graveyard slowly till he came to his brothers stone.  Like his Nora a stone bench sat beside it for those who came to visit.  It was as he sank down to sit that his thoughts moved to the dinner the night before.  How he normally looked forward to having all of his together in one place. 

   "Sean lad how I miss you." he began as he always did then went on to tell what he'd learned the day before.  How he now understood the betrayal his son had felt learning his brother kept Ella's existance a secret.  Aye he had been made at Marcus but till yesterday he hadn't truly understood. "All the children and grandchildren came home to greet the lass back into the fold.  But it was there in my mind the whole time that one of them had done harm to another of our blood.  Plans to see his failed task done this time." he told the stone of his long dead brother because he could not add this weight onto his sons shoulders.

    Thinking back over the dinner Alister hated how he'd looked closer at his three grandsons and son.  If it was anyone one else he would have taken the four and questioned them.  Tortured them if needed.  But they were blood which made it harder all around.  Alister could nay even imagine how hard it had been for the lass to sit there and act as well as she did. 

   His Lia had presented herself as soft and damaged to the family.  Turning to Liam who had been by her side the whole time.  He'd always like that lad but now had a new appreciation for him.  They'd make fine babies he mused then realized his mind had wondered. 

   "Lia apeared soft but after hearing about the women she'd made herself I see the act.  My Sean and his Neala believe they've got their daughter back and I can't take that away from them.  Can't be the one to tell them that their little lass no longer exists.  It was the hardest thought that came to me over the meal.  That aye she has returned but not to stay.  She'll never see Mulligan's as home again. Never trust us as she should have been able too." he confessed knowing he could say it here and hurt no one.

   Alister knew he should have made the connection years ago.  Seen that she could not have been taken from her bed without the help of someone within the circle.  Still deep in morning the loss of Nora it had just been another blow.  Now they had to face that they hadn't looked deeper.  Hadn't found the snake amongst them.  Hadn't been the ones to charge in and save her.

   "All I can hope now is that we can keep her safe and find the bad seed.  Bring her the peace of knowing they are dead.  And that when it's over she'll come back to see us and we can rebuild the lost trust" he murmered to the end feeling lost even as he spoke the words. 

    Slowly moving to stand he jumped a little as his cell phone rangs.  Bloody technology he cursed then chuckled as he took his phone from his pocket and answered.  The humour of the situation quickly disapearing as Sean explained why he'd called.  The snake had struck and removed a pawn is his game.  One of their most trusted guards had been found dead.  The man who had been on watch the night Lia went missing.


Since the moment I started writing I had this chapter in my head.  The guilt he'd feel as the head of the family.  The weight he'd feel.  In his world family is everything and one of his own betrayed them.  In the final edit I'm not sure I'll keep it but I'll leave it here. 

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