Story Time

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     Entering her apartment Lia went to the kitchen to take out three glasses and a bottle of Jameson.  Pour them each a drink she knew that saying nothing wasn't an option.  Yet she wasn't ready to tell the full of it.  Taking a sip she silently pushed the two glasses towards them before going to take a seat in her living room area.

    "I was taken sometime in the night but drugged.  I remained that way for days before I woke up in a cell in some basement.  Ever second day simply food and a bucket of water was delivered.  I'm not sure how long that went on before I was finally sent for." she began trying not to get caught back up in the memories.  Only fourteen she'd been so scared having not yet understood the full of who her family was. 

   "I was blind folded and driven to a grand house where an older women bathed and dressed me.  I was shown into a lounge where he sat with his son.  Kirill Petrov and his oldest son Mikail." she told then shot back the rest of her drink only for Hugo to apear and refill her glass.  Lia couldn't look at them so kept her eyes downcast as she continued on. "I was told that I wouldn't be returning to the family.  He'd been told to kill me but Mikail wanted me so I would be kept alive for his son.  I won't talk about what those next eight months were like for me." she stated finally looking up to meet the sad gazes of her brother and cousin.  Lia would never retell of that time because it was locked away.  Had to remain in the past for her to have any kind of future.

  "How did you get away?" Hugo answered when she'd stayed silent to long.

   "Mikail grew tired of me so I was sold off to a business aquatance of the Petrov family.  Yaroslav Lenkov was young but devoted to his wife and mistress.  He wanted me for a future bargaining ship against Grand Da.  It was his mistress who came to me with a way out.  Galina was russian intelegance and taught me how to defend myself in our spare time.  Three agents before her had been killed and well she did what she could.  Galina was killed three weeks before I escaped.  Yaro died by my hand as did Kirill and Mikail two years later." she finished not yet ready to dive into the whole I'm a assassin conversation just yet.

   "Who is Q?" Finn questioned and again that was something Lia wasn't ready to discuss just yet.  But saying nothing wasn't going to move this forward.

   "He's a friend.  Kind of my boss but more business partner.  You're doing the math and know I could have come home years ago.  It wasn't safe yet, I wasn't ready yet." she offered then stood to go to the pile she'd dropped on the island.  "Odviously my reapearance had spooked whoever was invovled all those years ago.  I knew it was possible.  I know someone inside helped.  I just don't know who and why I was chosen.  Until I have the answer I won't be safe amongst even my family." Lia finished openning the wallet and studied the identification within.  The dead man had made a stupid mistake.  Handing the wallet to Finn her brother took a look before handing it off to Hugo who turned red but said nothing.

   "Petrov.  So whoever our traitor is called the Russian's again" Finn hissed out finally getting up to pace the small space.

   "Until South Carolina and Oliver the traitor thought me long dead" Lia reminded going to take the bottle from Hugo and refill both their glasses.  Needing to change the subject "So why are niether of you married yet?  I thought I'd be coming back to find you all married off by the old man" she questioned and for now it turned the conversation away from her.

  "Don't you start too" Hugo rumbled but finally offered his first smile since arriving.

  "Dad and the others stood up for us kids.  We choose our own matches unless we ask" Finn answered sitting again looking a little more relaxed.  Letting her curiosity out to play Lia sat back into Hugo's side and began asking questions about the family.
An hour later the bottle of Jameson was empty and Lia was caught up.  More settling was the ease she felt with these two men. 


    Near six years had passed since Lia went missing and dead.  Petrov had assured the task was seen to at the time  and life had moved on.  Imagine the surprise when Oliver called to say she wasn't dead. 

    Once again a call went out to the Russians.  Another surprise there to discover that Kirill was dead along with his son and several more of the organizations higher ranks.  Those now in place had assured that the matter would be cleared up.  They didn't want to lose his valued connection to the Irish.  A connection soon to bacome even more valueble.

   Waiting for the call to say the matter was clear instead the call he'd just recieved left him fuming.  Their man had failed and worse Finn and Hugo knew.  They had shown up on the scene.  If anyone found out of his connection blood ties would not be enough to save him.  Not for this.


Sorry a little short but needed to move along.  This felt to be dragging. 

Lia's Return (Mulligan Clan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ