Hold my Pint

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Arriving at the bar Lia pulled around back to see Hugo and Liam both waiting. They helped her get da inside and up to the apartment where Aunt Shay and Aunt Greer took over. They'd check him over and keep him in bed if needed. Seeing Aunt Sloane and Aunt Chloe also present Lia avoided them and headed down the hall to Finn's room.

"Fuck me mum" she walked into hear her brother grunt out and could understand as mum was trying to dig a bullet out. Problem was her hands were shaking so bad she was doing more harm than good.

"Mum, let me" Lia murmered already going to the onsuite to wash her hands. When she returned to see mum still at it Lia switched tactics "Dad was hurt and needs you" Lia informed and finally got the reaction she wanted. Eyes huge she looked at Lia as she jumped up. "He's been beaten but I got there in time" she asured then watched as mum stormed out of the room.

"Thank you lass. She's good with the stitching but damn she's been at it for twenty minutes" Finn pale and weak murmered from the bed. Seeing his condition Lia was on the phone to Quinn placing her order for two bags of O- and a saline bag. Only when told they'd be up in 15 minutes did Lia get to work.

Finn had taken a through and through to the sholder, luckily will little damage. The shot to his left side wasn't so lucky. With no exit Lia looked through mums kit and found a scalpel. This was gonna hurt like a bitch but she needed to make sure the bullet didn't nick anything.

"Awake or asleep" she offered Finn when he saw what she was planning.

"Seriously" he ground out then seeing she was indeed serious and chose to stay awake.

Lia was stitching her unconsious brother up when Liam apeared fifteen minutes later with what she'd asked of Quinn. Finn had got lucky in that he'd only have a scar. Silently Lia set up the iv and blood bag before she finally face Liam.

There was something more than sex between them but she wasn't ready to look to closely at it. Still whatever it was caused the worry on his face now as he looked her over. What had him pulling her into his arms when he saw she was umharmed.

"This needs to move fast love. How do you want to do this without pissing off too many of your kin?" he questioned and had Lia stepping back to her mum's kit and preparing two needles with sedative.

"As grandda, Colin, Eamon and Uncle Duncan for a back room talk about help you need in protection. Once out of site hit them with this and take them down to the rooms downstairs" she detailed handing over the two nigh night shots.

"And the family?" he questioned at the door.

"Will be told once Sara is down talking to them. Grandda will handle that as I'm not sure what shape my da's in" she offered in answer and got a nod before he disapeared.

"He's a good man" came from behind her and turning Lia smiled seeing Finn awake.
Lia could only nod in agreement not wanting to get onto the topic with her oldest brother.

Going back to sit beside the bed Lia cleaned him up and bandaged the three stitched up sites on his body. As she did Lia told him on the hit she'd stopped on their father and where it happened.

"He goes to see your mum once a months. Like grandda does weekly with Nana and Uncle Sean. Tells your mum about you boys and unloads his worries. Easier to talk to the dead than the living sometimes" she told offering his pain killers which he turned down. Lia knew it was so he could have a drink but didn't say anything. She'd make sure the antibiotics were taken in the morning.

"I almost don't want to know" he murmered once Lia helped him get a little more comfortable. She understood it but these past years had also helped insulate her from what was going to happen. For Oliver and him it would be harder if they found out it was Colin. And Lia had a bad feeling it was. She just didn't know why.

"If it is...then we deal with it." she offered having nothing else to say. While she'd been close to Finn and Hugo, Colin had always treated her like a nuisance as a kid. It reminded her of the day Hugo had beaten her brothers ass for forgetting her at school. Lia was never sure if he forgot or simply chose to just not come get her.

"Ummm Lia, your guest have arrived" Aunt Ryan informed then stepped in and closed the door. "Why do we have an MC Queen in our bar?" she questioned reminding Lia why she'd always loved the youngest of her Aunts. Looking to Finn he simply nodded.

"We've pared the traitor down to two possibilities. She'd here to do what no family should ever have to do" Lia answered and saw the pain in her aunts eyes as well as understanding.

"When it's done come to me. The O'Shea's will make it look like the russian's did it. Save a mothers heart the pain of finding out their son is a traitor" Ryan offered and Lia agreed. The fewer who knew the better. Nothing gained by Sloane or mum knowing.

Going down to the crouded bar filled with Mulligan's Lia hesitated in the doorway. Feeling a small hand take hers Lia realize both Liam and Dervil now stood beside her. It was Dervil who had taken her hand but instead Lia pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you for saving me" her cousin whispered in her ear and Lia tightened her grip on the women.

"I'll always come for my family. Even if this isn't home anymore" she told her then stepped back and took Liams hand. She needed his strength right now for what she needed to do.

Heading across the bar Lia hugged Sara and said hello to Kit. Then loud enough for those around to hear she asked them to a private room. As far as the family would know that's where they'd be till it was over. But instead of turning into one of the private parlours Lia guided the small group down the hall and into the basement. There she faced the two family members.

"Sara please take Colin. Questioning with no perminate damage for now. We'll meet out here and compare notes in say 30 minutes" Lia offered seeing Quinn step out of the room that held her cousin Eamon and motion them both over.

"He woke up and started talking. You should hear this" Quinn advised them motioned them into the small sound proof room.

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