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        "We have six more location in town to check and another eight in the surrounding towns." Ripper the chapter president told the group as soon as they stepped into the meeting room.  Taking a seat beside Quinn they listenned to what the club members had done and found out so far. 

       "Are we sure this is russian related and not a strike at the club?" Mase tossed out the question and looking around Liam saw that a few others felt the same way.  Having heard a little back story from Q he could understand it.  The club hadn't really caught a break this last year.

     "There is no doubt.  Alexei Petrov was the fourth leader to be taken out.  Those left are internally fighting for power but have put hits out on the Mulligan women.  Seems the bastards don't know exactly who the players are on the table.  Stupid bastards hired Lia herself to take them out." Sean answered slightly vibrating with how pissed off he was over it all. 

     "Are all the women on the hit list here" Switch the clubs VP questioned looking around at everyone who had just arrived for an answer.

    "My daughter Shay is the only one back home.  She's married to Duncan here and his families stepped in to help watch the family.  Whoever is pulling the strings on this isn't the brightest of the lot of em. Q and Lia's team will be doing a full wipe out but we need to find Ella and her friend before we can make that move." Alister informed and several grunts could be heard agreeing with the irishman. 

    "Irish will be staying in Boston until your return.  He also needs one of you to phone him when this meeting is done.  A new developement he said" Ripper changed the subject then handing things over to two men typing away at laptops till he smacked one to get their attention.

   "I've just cleared another two buildings off the list.  Both had camera near the entrances and no ones been in or out in weeks for either.  As for Ella's aunt the womens been spotted twice around town in the last couple days.  Once at an atm and the second at the grocery store.  The transaction was large enough to assume that she's not just feeding herself.  Marvin's on Bitch watch.  As soon as she pops up we'll tail her.  See if she doesn't lead us to Ella and Kaiah" Crypt detailed then with a nod went back to his computer.

   "Ellla and Kaiah are family.  I just want that said so its understood we'll do everything we can to bring them home." Ripper offered looking between Alister and Shawn. 

   "We understand and thank you for the help all the same" Alister offered as all eyes turned to the door where a young man stood.  No leather vest but a jean one with the words prospect.  Motioned to entered from the enforcer Boomer the prospect anounced that the women had dinner ready.

   "I guess it's time to eat.  Clubs on lockdown till the women are found.  That means no one leaves or rides alone.  Irish included.  Your in my territory and under this clubs protection.  Last thing I need is one of you getting killed.  Fair" Ripper called out as people started to get up.  Demon chuckled as Alister scowled but in the end agreed with the man.

     Entering the dinning hall Liam's stomach growled as the scent of dinner hit him.  Down lower twitched when his eyes locked on Lia seated with the women near the kitchen door.

    "Stop looking at my sister that way or the only thing you'll be eating tonight is your teeth" Oliver ground out from beside him but the threat didn't have the effect the man was aiming for.  Instead Liam saw it as a challenge and with a smile shot in the mans direction he headed for his women.  It was a 50/50 chance she'd play along.  Only a 25% chance he wasn't getting punched which were still good enough odds for him.

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