Two Bullets

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     Even knowing she'd catch heat for it Lia slipped out before Liam woke.  She'd left a brief note asking him to trust her in this.  Before Sara's arrival she needed to speak to her father and today was the best for it.  Where and when better than the one morning once a month that Sean Mulligan disapeared. 

    Knowing were he was going meant she didn't need to follow him.  Lia had learned years ago of her fathers secret and understood it was for her mothers he kept it secret.  No he didn't go to a mistress but he did go to visit his first love and wife.  The women who had given life to her brothers and died before Lia was even a thought.  For Neala who came after he kept it a secret.

   Arriving at the graveyard Lia took her gun from the locked compartment before stepping out.  Maybe it was mean to do this here but her father had to be made aware.  Needed to be away from all to learn that his second oldest child may be the traitor.  To learn that motions were already set that could possibly see that son dead for his crimes.  Her father needed to be able to rage over it and that couldn't been done at home.

   Seeing the graveyard map in her mind Lia wove through head stones to where the family plots were located.  As it was one of Boston's older graveyards it was a bit of a walk.  A look at her watch told her that her father had arrive close to a half hour ago.  Lia was just about there when she got a feeling that something was off.  Lia always trusted her gut.

   Gun now in hand she proceeded with caution.  Slipping behind a tree not 30 feet from where her dad stood she needed to take a breath.  Because he wasn't alone and was getting the shit beat out of him.  Peaking to take measure of the situation she saw the two guns that were yet to be drawn.  Lia stopped thinking and acted dropping both men with two shots after she stepped out of her cover.  Then she was running as her da slipped to the ground.


    Fucking russians.  Had they not cost him enough  first with Lia and now with another member of his family.  Now it seems they wanted him dead.  Atleast that feeling was mutual he mused as he took another hit.  Oh he'd fought when they'd apeared as he'd talked to his Ann.  His one selfish moment he allowed himself once a month interupted.  He'd been pissed.

   Now though he worried his secret would soon be learned when they found his body. Taking another hit Sean was calling on the last he had to make a final attempt.  Knowing the games of beating him would soon end with a bullet.  Taking a painful breath he turned to the larger of the two russians only to see him drop as two shots were fired.  Spinning he wasn't fast enough to see the second fall but it was quick enough to blur his vision. 

   Dropping to his knee Sean looked up and thought his mind played tricks with him.  His Lia was running towards him with a gun in her hand.  She'd been the one to take out his attackers.  Which was a reminder of what she'd told him herself not a couple days ago.  His Lia was not weak.  She killed for a living.  Blood Hell it was all true he thought as it finally sank in.

  "Da" she called before falling on her knees beside him.  Her hands flying over him to check for injuries.

  "Concussion and ribbs are probably broken.  You followed me?" he grunted the question as her small hand went to his ribbs and gave them a painful poke. 

  "Aye, needed to have a private chat so snuck out.  Good bloody thing I did, fuck" she muttered her answer leaving his side only for a moment to check both men for identification.  "Fucking russians" she cursed out when she found it then was back to his side.  "We need to get you home" she stated hauling him up not seeming to care that the motion hurt like a bitch.

  "Have a care lass! Your old man be a wee bit battered and broken" he grunted out as she wrapped an arm around her to help support some of his weight.  But she wasn't listenning to him.  Nope she was already on the phone with someone.

  "Shut up! I bloody know your pissed but you can tell me about it later.  Russian's almost killed my father just now.  I need you to get Hugo and Finn on the phone and call lockdown at Mulligan's.  I need you to call Gideon and get him to pick Sara up at the airport too.  Then get your ass and your brothers over to Mulligan's" she ordered to the person on the other end.  Sean's guess was Liam and they would be having a chat about he'd let the lass slip out under his nose.  "Fine, we'll be there in 25" she grunted out as they passed his car and headed to hers. 

   "Your a good shot lass.  I'm proud" he offered when she finally sat behind the wheel and was about to start the engine.  His words freezing her motions and had her turning to him.

  "I followed you for a reason.  Colin and Eamon were both seen a the dock yard two nights ago.  We can only confirm that Colin entered a building where a russian car later exited.  The car was next reported at Dirty Laundry.  Now two russians just tried to take you out." she stated voice devoid of all emtions as if they were simple facts.

    "Did anyone see your brother directly talking to one of the men?" he questioned not wanting to believe where she was going with this.  Her own brother.  Sure Colin was being watched but Sean had thought it a simple matter of having previous russian contact like the three others.   His son would not have done this.  

   "I have an outsider I trust coming in to find us answers.  She will question both Eamon and Colin.  Should either be guilty, they are dead.  No more talking or watching.  Answers and the end of this" Lia offered ignoring his question.  What she did say had his heart near stopping at how cold the words had been delivered.

   "Lass" he began his temper rising at the tone and order she pulled on him.  He was her father and the head of the family.  It was not her place to make these desisions.  Which he ground out as she began to drive.

   "Aye if you want to play it like that then I'll say this.  You had more than five years to do this your way.  To find the traitor who wanted me dead.  Who sentance me to years of rape and abuse.  Now it's my turn.  Either way it will be done as I said.  If Colin is inocent then he will be let go.  If not he is dead to the family either way.  Accept it" she shot back.  Both remained silents for the rest of the drive back to Mulligan's.

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