Leg Work

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    After going over what she needed from Q she returned home and changed into workout gear.  Going to the butcher block island Lia took the wallet that had apeared during her time with the family.  Inside the wallet held personal indetfication for Lia Evangeline Mulligan.  It also held debit and charged cards but what Lia wanted was the gym membership card. 

   Throwing on a oversized hoody and grabbing her gym bag Lia headed to work out her frustrations.  If she couldn't kill someone it was the best ulternative outlet.  Back in the car she did a quick location search then set out across town to the twenty-four our gym. 

   At nine at night the parking lot was near empty so parking was a non-issue.  Feeling under the passangers seat Lia smiled feeling the lock box.  Knowing Q she found the key under the floormat and unlocked it to see the gun inside.  Depositing her wallet in with the gun the key went into her sports bra as she walked towards the entrance. 

   Inside was your generaric gym set up so sitting on a bench Lia sat and changed her shoes before she started stretching.  Only a handful of people were scattered around the large room.  Four other women, none in any shape to be a threat and one gentleman who was a possible. 

   Taking her mp3 player out of her bag Lia started on the treadmill while listening to one her many playlists.  Maybe it was growing up over a bar but music settled her.  Not picky on the genre she'd listen to anything but opera.  Keeping an easy pace Lia was just finishing when the man headed over to take the machine right next to her.  Six other machines Lia though and did a mental eyes roll.

   Settling with 6 miles she moved to free weights not even bothering to look at the man beside her.  She always knew his location but it didn't stop her from moving from machine to machine.  For the most part he kept his distance until Lia moved back to bag.  For some reason it was what he'd been waiting for.

   "Haven't seen you in here before.  New to the area?" he inquired as Lia bent to grab her bag.  Tossing a look over her sholder and grabbing her water bottle Lia straightened to face the stranger.  Late twenties to early thirties, tall and well muscled she took his measure.  Business man with a bit of an edge.  Definatly good looking but a scar across his jawline flawed the perfection.  Blood Grey eyes.

   "Just came back to town." she finally answered before taking a a drink of water while looking up at him.  Waiting to see if there was a point to this chit chat.

   "Well if your looking for more of a work out" he began until Lia quirked a brow causing his cheeks to pinken when he caught how it sounded.  "Oh no no, I own a boxing gym two blocks over." rambled out as he produced a business card. "You build was a give away that you have some fight training" he added as she reached out to take the card.

   "Some" was all she offered leaning back down to grab her bag.  Only as she turned to leave did she remember.  "I'll check it out" she stated then headed out and directly to her car.  Having forgot her hoodie it was a nippy short walk.  Once in she put the man to the back of her mind and headed home.

   Parking in the underground Lia grabbed her wallet and gun.  Slipping the gun in the waistband of her shorts she got out and headed for the door.  Two feet from the door the black blur shot towards her. 

    They watched Lia pull down and into the buildings underground parking.  Having been waiting well over an hour both Hugo and Finn got up and were heading across the street when they heart the gun shot.  Both men now running for the under ground garrage instead of for the door.

    Flying down the ramp and jumping the barrier Finn felt his heart in his throat.  No way could they survive losing her when Lia had only just returned.  Expecting to come upon her body he froze at what he now saw.

   "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" Hugo ground out as his pace slowed but his hands came up as Lia swung her gun towards them.  "Wow wow love, tis just us and that bloke don't look like he'll be rising soon" Hugo gentled and in a blink Lia lowered the gun.  It was the look in his sisters eyes that had Finn still standing where he'd frozen. 

    Instead of fear Finn saw calculation and a touch of irritation.  As if their sudden apearance complicated matters further.  It had his brain spinning knowing these past years held more secrets than who had taken her.

    "Hugo call for a clean up" Finn instructed his cousin.

     "No.  My connections keeps this out of the family and that's the way it stays for now" Lia's voice stopped them as she pulled out her own phone and pressed a single button.  "Q, I need a clean up in the parking garage." she told the person on the other end then hung up without another word.  Then tucking her gun in the back of her pants took a knee beside the body.

    "Hugo watch the entrance" he switched gears then aproached his sister as she began to search the dead man.  In a neat pile out of the reach of the blood pool she already had a wallet and watch.  "Who" he began only to have her cutting him off with a look that clearly said not here.  Inherrited from their mum and nan no doubt.

   "Crew on site" Hugo called a moment before a black SUV apeared but Lia continued to search the body.  Watching he saw as Lia's face remained calm as she found three disctinctive tattoo's that had his anger rising.

  "Not here" Lia now vocalized as she stood and greeted the man that stepped out of the vehicle.  "Lou, I didn't expect you" she stated for the first time showing emotion as she hugged the older man.

  "Q requested I stay close at least for the next month.  Go on now.  I'll see this cleaned up" the man stated then got to work while Lia grabbed the pile from beside the body.

  "Shouldn't we take a face shot?" Hugo questioned him but it was Lia who again answered as they stepped in the elevator.  Again with a not here.  Sharing a look with Hugo they let it sit but not for long.


Death count:1


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