Dating Headcanons

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[[ A/N: This is my very first Headcanon. I decided to start making them because they are fun to read! Enjoy~ ]]

• Jim would get jealous every time you get close to another guy but doesn't make a big deal out of it.

• He would teach you how to solar surf.

• There will be times that he gets needy, but you love it.

• He would show a lot of affection towards you. Emotionally and physically. But around his friends, he acts tuff.

• He will try to cook for you.

• Likes to take you out on dates every weekend.

• Often gives you light kisses on your cheek.

• He would get annoyed with you if you nag at him but he knows deep down that you want the best for him.

• When other girls talk to him, he's obviously bored. But lightens up when he's with you.

• He's the first to say I love you.

• Can be overly protective over you, seeing you as his sweet delicate girlfriend.

• Loves you just the way you are, no matter what size you are.

• Enjoys holding hands with you in public but can be too shy to kiss you in public.

• Will cuddle you all night in his bed.

• Sometimes, he will get you into trouble in situations like skipping class and solar surfing in places that you two shouldn't be going to.

• Asks you to help him when he needs some advice in his studies.

• Doesn't like being away from you for long periods of time.

• Respects your parents.

: )

Jim Hawkins~X~Reader {OneShots}Where stories live. Discover now