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Today was the very first anniversary of my marriage to Jim Hawkins. Being Y/N Hawkins makes me the happiest wife in space! I just blush when people call me by 'Mrs.Hawkins' or 'Mrs.H', it gets my heart all warm and fuzzy!

I looked over to Jim with a smile on my face as he was going around looking for things as if he was in a big hurry. I crossed my arms behind my back, slightly standing on the tips of my toes. "Jimmmm?" I called. "What is it honey?" He answered, not looking at me at all. He was still gathering some objects together and stuffing things in some bag. "What today is!?" I asked. "Haha, hump day!" He answered in a goofy manner. I shook my head as I giggled "Noooo, silly. Today is something really special for us." Jim turned to look at me and scratched his head "Hmmm. Special day that's about us?... Hmmm." I still had a smile on my face as if he was teasing me. He was teasing..... Right???... Jim shook his head "I don't know, Y/N. I really don't." I stood there highly disappointed as a frown crept on my face. I placed my hands on my hips "You don't know!!? How do you NOT know!?" Jim chuckled a bit "H-Honey, I'm sorry. I just don't know what day you are talking about." "Well, I never!" I yelled at him, picking up a shoe to throw at him. After Jim dodged the shoe, I took my coat and slipped it on "I'm leaving, if you don't remember what day it is then think about how disappointed I am in you!" With that, I left out the door and slammed it.

I hurried over to Dr. Delbert and Captain Amelia's house to vent to them about Jim's mindless behavior. I banged on the door until Mrs.Amelia opened it "Ah, good morning, Y/N. Is everything alright?" I looked up at my friend with tears in my eyes "Jim has forgotten our wedding anniversary!" I hollered out loud sniffing and sobbing. "Oh you poor thing! Please come inside." Mrs.Amelia said, guiding me to the couch. "Now, now, Y/N. Jim is quite a forgetful soul, I'm sure he didn't mean to forget." Dr.Delbert added, giving me a cup of hot peppermint tea. "Relax yourself child and drink some nice hot tea, you'll feel better." He suggested. I took his advice and relaxed on the couch. I quietly took a sip from my cup. "Feel better?" Mrs.Amelia asked, sitting beside me. I took a few more sips from my cup due to the tea being the best I ever had. "Actually, I do feel better. This tea is delicious!" I said with a smile on my face. "Good! Now that you're feeling better, I bought a dress that I want you to see!" Mrs.Amelia said, getting up to get the dress. I continue to drink my tea as she came back with it. I looked up and gasped "Woah! That's a pretty dress, It's my favorite color too!!" "Well, it's yours. This color wouldn't look as good on me anyways." Mrs.Amelia replied. "A matter of fact, she should put it on right now, just to make sure she likes it or not!" Dr.Delbert added. I blinked in confusion "Huh?..." Mrs.Amelia giggled "Actually, me and my daughters will give you a makeover, Y/N. You'll feel much more better!" "Wait! Why are you doing this!?" I shouted.

~Hours Later~

After the makeover, I found myself back home standing at the doorstep. I looked down at my phone and it was 6:00pm. "Aw man, I've been gone all day. The anniversary is ruined, why did it have to be like this? I looked at my reflection on the black screen of my phone. My hair and makeup was perfectly done for nothing and the dress I'm wearing now is a huge waste of time.

I gently unlocked the door and stepped in "Jim I'm-" "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Y/N!!!!" Jim shouted. I placed a hand on my chest "Jim! Y-You remembered!!" I then cried tears of joy as I threw myself in my husband's arms. "I will never forget anything as important as our anniversary! I love you too much for forget that." Jim said, hugging me tight. I then pulled away with a smirk "So this was all a set up?" "Yep!" Jim chuckled. He was wearing a fancy suit with his hair done neatly. "Here." He said, grabbing a big batch of flowers and presents to give to me. "Oh, Jim. This is everything I have ever hoped for!" I said with a tear running down my eye. Jim gently kissed me on my cheek "Happy anniversary, Y/N. I love you."


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