78. Her First

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Song: Breathe In by Ward Thomas

Why was the Easter bunny so upset?

Because it was having a bad hare day.

Mature Content ahead.
Olivia was happy to spend some time with everyone. Especially since her and Charlie were leaving for Romania that night.

They all laughed and talked. Dumbledore and Snape joined them later that evening to see them off. Olivia felt unbelievably blessed that she did come back, and wouldn't have to miss out on spending a lifetime with such wonderful people.

When it started getting close to the time for them to leave, Olivia pulled Harry to the side, and hugged him. "Don't worry, Little Duck. It's only a short time you have to go back to Privet Drive. Soon we'll steal you away and have some fun!" She told him.

"I wish I could go off to Romania with you and Charlie. Even dragons sound better than the Dursley's." He joked. Olivia chuckled. Harry dropped his voice to a whisper. "Did Dumbledore mention to you what he told me? About the connection?"

Olivia pursed her lips. "Yeah, he told me. But it's important for you to remember that just because there is a connection between you and Voldemort doesn't mean you are anything like him. He's a cold, horrible, noseless toe rag." Harry laughed, "And you are the opposite Little Duck."

Harry smiled softly, "You know, I never asked. Why do you call me that?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Olivia laughed. "Because people follow you. Ducks have to have someone in the front to lead them. And you are a leader, Harry." She told him, and hugged him one last time. "Make sure to cause some trouble while I'm gone!"

"I will! And thank you!" Harry said into her ear while hugging. "Thank you, for saving Sirius."

Olivia gave him a tight smile and held back her tears when they pulled apart. "Anything for you."

Charlie came over, putting a hand to her lower back. "It's about time for us to go. You ready?" He asked her.

"Just about let me just go get the last of my things from my room." Olivia said dipping out of the room and into her bedroom.

Snape followed her inside, and seen that she was wiping away tears and fixing her makeup in the mirror. In that moment, he never realized that the little 11 year old girl he knew suddenly grew up into a woman before his eyes.

"I hope you didn't come in here to tell me not to go." Olivia joked, facing her dad.

"No, but if you need me to I can." He said. "Got everything?" He asked watching as she picked up her cloak and bag.

"Nope." She said.

"What you missing then?" He asked looking around for another bag she may have misplaced.

"A hug from my Dad." Olivia said.

Snape walked to her and hugged him tight.

"I won't be gone long, and I'll be back before you know it." She told him. "I'll miss you, Dad."

"I'll miss you too." Was all he could say. They pulled apart and Olivia took a deep breath and left the room.

She started hugging everyone goodbye, as Snape stood off to the side of the room. Charlie joined him.

"She's safe with me." Charlie said as both the men watched Olivia hug the twins. "I promise that she'll be safe with me."

Snape did not answer, before Charlie walked over to Olivia. Dumbledore took the place where Charlie had stood.

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